- PPD (up to 50 EUR per 10k TKP) - PPS (75% - first sale / 75% rebill)

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Payout Limit is now 50$ but because you asked before the change we will pay you the amount out this week, just don't complain. these are rules, and we are making the rules.

@ Deniz: Even I have requested for the payout before you changed the payout limit rules. Could you please process my payout? Thanks
perhaps before increasing the payout ratio from 20 to 50 dollars for correctness, you had to pay those who had come to $ 20, because now there are doubts on this host
I dont use Bank Wire in datacloud i use paypal.I received 100 dollars from 113 that i had in my balance.13 dollars left in balance.I dont know why other uploaders didnt got their payments till now.Hope you all will get your payments today.
limits effected today but no paymnts despatched yet i guess... lets wait for the deniz to revert on this since it wud be ridiculous if limits come in place without payments cleared as it was due for, at 20$ min....
i don know whether its necesarily ridiculous, rather it seems like a good idea. the payout itself is not that high, and it might help deniz organising the payments (not having to pay all the tiny sums repeatedly, rather pay bigger over time)

you guys dont lose your money, and to be honest... does anyone really need petty sums right away all the time?

if it results in reliable payouts, im all for it.
No FTP uploading? Is this a planned feature? Or intentionally missing?

Would be nice if payment for us in the U.S. wasn't ~25% higher than your advertised prices. Any chance of adding epayments or something, so we can only have to pay a little bit more?
We already have filehost related rules, and denizadrian got notice about them, and changed his announcement accordingly.
Sometimes you may want to click on rules on the top of WJ, and check them.
why is the uploading speed from UK, is very slow now ??
i upload from RDP and it's very slow from couples day ago and still slow, it's about 150-350 kb/s

^RDP is shared so ye :P and i get varied 1MB-2MB speed with a dedicated 100mbps connection and sometimes its 900KBps used to be over 10MBps but meh those were the days people weren't spamming shit loads of porn on it
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