CyberLocker Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Cyberlocker here.

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Active Member
Since cyberlocker got banned because of many dupe accounts he created. This will be the new discussion thread so discuss any related to cyberlocker here

got my 2 payments I hope this will be continue.. :)
then its hope so,they do not have any interest on u....
FileHosts Welcomed at the time u start ur work & They kicked off at the time u request ur Payout = A big Reality
they are not counting the views correctly
1 file over 2000 clicks but only 9 downloads counted??

now the download speed for the premium is make it almost impossible to dl your own files
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Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28.
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
The registration form doesn't works, can you fix that? I would registert to the site.
Thanks for help

EDIT: ops sorry, this is a discussion thread...
Why are there support questions/request posted in this thread?

Do I have to close this thread and not allow another to be opened?

Should I just ban the members that do not seem to understand the difference between a support thread and a discussion thread?
they sent an email

Dear Affiliates,

We apologize for the inconvenience but our payout will be delayed 24 hours.

Please add me on skype if you have any more questions skype id cyberlockeraffiliate.


Cyberlocker Admin
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