CyberHacK = ElementSnake = Big Scammer

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CyberHacK = ElementSnake = Big Scammer

On 18th of Jan, I bought a three month RapidLeech Hosting package from CyberHacK (WJ Thread: and Hosting Site: Here are the screenshots of

From 5th of Feb my RL became inaccessible. On the very next day I opened a support ticket, but no response yet, also PMed him on response, kept shouting on MSN but no response in there too !!!!!!!! X-(

I know CyberHacK is already banned from WJ but currently he is here as ElementSnake (may be he also has some other WJ IDs to continue scamming). Here are the proofs:

Proof 1:



U can see its CyberHacK who is visiting igotwarez, not ElementSnake, whereas ElementSnake is online on WJ and on MSN on regular basis. How the hell an Admin ( ElementSnake ) don't visit his site when he is spending lots of time online and searching for Coder/GFX Person !!!!!!!!!!!!

Proof 2:

Now check few threads of the two:

Most of the threads are more or less same.

Now even if for the time being we assume that they are 2 different guys, then from their post its pretty clear that they are close/real life friends. Consequently if CyberHacK scams anyone, being a partner (according to their comments) ElementSnake should resolve the matter.


  1. Admins and Mods please, keep eyes on (or better ban if possible) ElementSnake to save WJ members from him.
  2. Respected Webmasters and Seniors, if u can hunt down his/their sites, then plz proceed ASAP, otherwise he/they will continue scamming lot of innosent guys.
  3. My fellow WJ friends, don't fall in trap of CyberHacK or ElementSnake.
Well apparently CyberHack is ElementSnake's "cousin" so he said when he was on here.

And no CyberHack wasn't trusted.

But he did, try to bypass the VIP system on some sites before the owners clicked on and removed it.
I love how on the host you can tell he stole the photo on the main page because it still has the iStockPhoto watermark on it you get if you just save as without paying ;)

I was glad I didn't use the subscription payment via paypal for his rapidleech.

the speeds were horrible the hosting hasn't expired yet but I haven't even bothered to use it in weeks lol. Moved on to another host.
Dudes I am not cyberhack
Cyberhack is my cousin he was using my account to access WJ
Go ahead an beleieve what people say that Cyberhack=Elementsnake
CyberHack was banned permanently for
1) Hacking other members their WJ account (Don't host with him)
2) Scamming

He has made dupe accounts since though. All of which I'm aware were banned. ElementSnake received the banhammer too when cyberhack supposedly used his account. Right now ElementSnake's IP is from another ISP so unless you can prove your claim it stays just that: a claim.
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