Copy-Paste between Local and Remote Desktop

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Hi mates.
Can i copy paste files from my desktop to a remote desktop(rdp) fast?
I have some movies in my hard disk and i want to copy-paste them to my rdp... is there any way to do it fast so as i can use my rdp to upload them to filehosts in high speeds?
My home internet connection is too low so i cant upload these files to filehosts and i have to move them to the rdp.
I tried to copy past a movie of 700MB size and it said it needs many hours to copy-paste...
Is there any solution?
well, you are 'uploading' file when you copy pasting it...your RDP acts like file- host, where you upload file from your PC, to RDP, and after that you can spread it to several filehosts, faster...

whatever you imagined about fast copy pasting, depends on YOUR upload speed...
well, you are 'uploading' file when you copy pasting it...your RDP acts like file- host, where you upload file from your PC, to RDP, and after that you can spread it to several filehosts, faster...

whatever you imagined about fast copy pasting, depends on YOUR upload speed...

so i think i will need much time to move all these files since my upload speed is very low... :facepalm:
Hi, you can install FileZilla on your remote server, and upload files via FTP.

For smaill text files, just copy all the contents in a new file on your remote desktop.
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