- 100% Pay Per Sale & Up to 15$/1000 Downloads

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site is very very slow....

i joined the first day u started but didn't uploaded anything

now when i thought of uploading some files...evrything slow

very disappointed..:facepalm::(:facepalm:

i stay away from u again...hope u survive

Moral : don't trust any filehost just started...wait for atleast 4-5 months
Yep it seems to load after a while

Calm down it will be back online once CC knows whats going on

currently it seems to work fine for me ... the website is a little slow but the downloads are fine

thanks guys

and others how many times i said we're here to stay i think you guys need to have a lil faith in us trust us like a lil bit i guess?

it was a ddos attack i think we have some haters our servers are top notch no data was lose or anything it was just a small downtime
when ever i go off you guys start panicking

anyway here are some proofs of the payment from yesterday, just to show you guys we're here to become the next big thing.

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I received email from

Yesterday Premium account expire:11 August 2012
Now Premium account expire:11 March 2012

just email me or them someone probably accidently did that
we have email for support consider using it
do not post random stuffs here
Whats up with Premium Sales?

Yesterday you counted a sale and today it's gone!


only one of them is premium others are normal registered users

please use email for small errors such as above
i do not handle everything replying here will only cause delay
They make money from the rebills+advert...use ur brain before ask studpid questions.

I have 80+ sales/month i would gladly use ur service,but without ftp upload its a real pain....
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