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so you guys are actually going to post anything and everything in here our servers in our NL
it depends on your connection and its location and many more and sometime you can get slow upload speed nothing new
you could have done more test or have waited a bit if speeds were slow
its maybe some error anywhere maybe wait/refresh
then come here and ask me or email me ?
so you guys are actually going to post anything and everything in here our servers in our NL
it depends on your connection and its location and many more and sometime you can get slow upload speed nothing new
you could have done more test or have waited a bit if speeds were slow
its maybe some error anywhere maybe wait/refresh
then come here and ask me or email me ?
Very difficult to upload, I have refreshed many times, it makes me tired :facepalm:

this is an acceptable result, I tried refreshing a lot to gain speed

looks like our hater is back again ddos started site maybe bit slow network usage is almost 50% it will take 20 mins for it to fully mitigate
Get some good ddos protection.

Also who has been paid so far?? and any big payments been made. Get some screen shots up.

ermmm, read the thread ? you'll find some screen shots

I registered but i didn't found AP payment option !
And how i can see my statistics?

it should be there idk why you cant find it
whenever you'll make some money it'll be added to your account which should be available for you to check
Payment requested and i think they will pay!

we do pay and we'll keep paying :)

some people must have a payment now since they claim to pay out daily. Who here has had a decent amount paid already??

you can ask for money anytime you want after reaching 5 dollars and it'll be paid as soon as possible
and again if you're really interested in checking proofs instead of asking others just read take some time and read the thread

CloudCache works now with jDownloader :)

Just update

thanks for upgrading users with that great news
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