Other Cheap RDP for max 3$/months

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Browsing and sometime torrent, because almost all ports are closed to me, so I can't do anything or I just need VPN, but can't get it, because when I type in VPN in google my internet blocks me.
For browsing/surfing you would be 100 times better off with you own connection no matter how slow your connection is, trust me. Browsers appear extremely slow and sluggish on RDPs. For torrents, ask one of the Rapidleech sellers and see if they will let you install torrentflux script on the server which will fulfill your requirements.

RDP sellers are usually hesistant to sell cheap slots because its not the HDD space nor the bandwidth or speed that matters to them since they have plenty of that but its the CPU or RAM which a user will take up that will degrade the experience for the other high paying customers on the same server.

Good luck, hope you get what you're looking for :). I am stuck with a crappy connection at home too with around 15-25% packet loss at any given time, so I feel your pain.
why dont u buy a trial vps n make some gud money via uploading stuff online.... after u earned some good cash den buy a gud VPs !!!!!!!!!!!! :D

go to http://www.dotblock.net they are offering 30DAyz trial vps for $1 only try it ...... n Best of Luck :D
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