can i produce energy without fuel via alternator?

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a friend done this with a boat before, use an electric motor to run the alternator. The electric motor is running on a battery. The motor and battery where 12v. Once you get them both running you can unhook the battery and any fuel supply and the alternator will generate the power as its spinning to keep the motor running. Once you turn it off though you need to use the battery to generate the initial power again.
There must be some other form of energy instead.. the alternator needs its coils to be rotated OR the presence of a rotating magnetic field. Now the mechanical energy for that has to be provided externally somehow. Converting the chemical energy of the fuel to the required mech. energy is just one of the possible ways..
did u mind to read the definition of alternator

its convert Mechanical energy to Electrical Energy.

so Mechanical energy is generated by Fuel , or some kind of spinning or bio-gas , water so think or research before posting ;)
bnehost , you're wrong ;)
that will work for few seconds(till the internal loss is less, but same energy from motor is coupled to alternator will satisfy loss, so it will run for few seconds) not for whole life..even it run for few second in Vacuum only (because air friction is there in our atmosphere)

Energy can neither be created, nor be destroyed (it's a law)

so you need some energy to run vehicle or alternator,
(Bloom box using natural gas).

But saudi arabian guys produced one engine which use pure water as fuel , check youtube
torrfriend it is simple to run engine with water , but energy is required as u known the steam engine Train, heat energy still required ;)
Going to the OP's Question, Yes an Alternator can generate power, This is essentially how a Wind Turbine works, but then again, Wind could be considered a fuel.

As for cars running on renewable energy sources, I think the "Fart" powered cars (Methane) have to be the best. In terms of comical value.
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