BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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i need to understan a referral thing, i have one of my referred that is making like $15/day.. i suppose he is on pps (im too) but my balance is same as before (it goes up only by few 0.0xx). So, did i miss that ref earning works on ppd users only?
Remote upload working but only sometimes

Added after 5 Hours:

I have 0 download :facepalm: on other host I already have 1000 download
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Payments are made at maximum 7 days after your request. There are some days with a lot of payments and some of the payouts are made the next day.

Also you need to know that we will respond here very rarely, because we have a lot of work. You can still post here, but if is important you need to send a private message or email us at admin@bulletupload.com .

Thank you
I Cant Upload It just says this
and then this

I never figured out why but a few times for few hours each time over the last few days I can't get the site unless I go Through TOR, but after a couple hours it magically starts working normally again.

I've tried but I can't find any reason for it when it happens.
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