: Cloud Server - 10GB SAN HDD, 128MB RAM, $17.64/mo (CA)

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logo.png is a new venture started by veterans of the hosting scene. The BoxCore team came together and provided dedicated servers to local clients of Asia, but its time to move on an international level and get more public.

BoxCore Cloud enables you to manage your online infrastructure easier than ever before via a self-service web portal. From there you can maximize resource utilization while enhancing the security, reliability and flexibility of the business you conduct online.

After a very long analysis, we came to a final stage of fixing the price of the cloud servers. You may notice that the price per month of each cloud server is not rounded off or is not "typical" as most of the hosts do. We have set the price to be reasonable, competitive & make profit for us too.


# Independent Cloud Environment - Dedicated hardware resources
# Enterprise Grade Cloud Solution - Auto FailOver Self Healing Technology
# Enterprise class redundant SAN protected Cloud Storage
# VMware Hypervisor – Built on the undisputed market leader in Enterprise Virtualization
# Built on the Cisco UCS platform – Commonly seen as the gold standard for cloud infrastructure
# True Cloud Technology - IT On Demand
# Free Remote Console (KVM over IP for your Cloud Servers)
# Deployed at our own rack – Ultimate security and Reliability
# NO term contract (month to month)
# 100% network uptime SLA
# 3 Days Money Back Guarantee​


- Dedicated Single Core CPU 2.10 GHz
- Dedicated Hard Drive: 10 GB SAN HDD
- Dedicated Memory: 128 MB RAM
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Unmetered
- 1 Gbps Ethernet Uplink
- IP Addresses: 1
- Available on public or private network
- High Availability Failover
$17.64 USD / Month


- Dedicated Single Core CPU 2.10 GHz
- Dedicated Hard Drive: 10 GB SAN HDD
- Dedicated Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Unmetered
- 1 Gbps Ethernet Uplink
- IP Addresses: 1
- Available on public or private network
- High Availability Failover
$20.98 USD / Month


- Dedicated Single Core CPU 2.10 GHz
- Dedicated Hard Drive: 20 GB SAN HDD
- Dedicated Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Unmetered
- 1 Gbps Ethernet Uplink
- IP Addresses: 1
- Available on public or private network
- High Availability Failover
$29.24 USD / Month


- Dedicated Single Core CPU 2.10 GHz
- Dedicated Hard Drive: 40 GB SAN HDD
- Dedicated Memory: 1024 MB RAM
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Unmetered
- 1 Gbps Ethernet Uplink
- IP Addresses: 1
- Available on public or private network
- High Availability Failover
$45.75 USD / Month


- Dedicated Dual Core CPU 2.10 GHz
- Dedicated Hard Drive: 40 GB SAN HDD
- Dedicated Memory: 1024 MB RAM
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Unmetered
- 1 Gbps Ethernet Uplink
- IP Addresses: 1
- Available on public or private network
- High Availability Failover
$51.76 USD / Month

Unacceptable Content:

Anything which is illegal since the datacenter is in Canada and they are serious regarding DMCAs. So you cannot use it for any illegal purpose (warez).​

Cloud server is scalable computing. If you need Custom system, Please contact us for more details

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What is Cloud Server ?
Cloud has become a buzz word. Everyone uses it. However most people do not mean any specific technical specification. When it comes to Cloud, there is a certain form of virtualization used for provisioning computing resources. So you can consider that "Cloud=VPS", despite that this is not exactly like that. A standard VPS is created and hosted on a stand-alone machine, while a Cloud VPS is a virtual instance hosted on a multi-server computing platform, which provides some form of hardware redundancy and allows for scale up and down the allocation of computing resources.
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Well, what actually matters is that, the billing area is fully complete.

The template which we have on there is temporary and we do not believe in wasting time on it and write all bogus/false information like what the other hosts do.

There is a new theme being designed by me and will be up within few weeks. It will be less funky and straight forward. The perfect & simple UI is what we aim for, rather than having all glossy, immaterial & false data being displayed on the website.

Difference between VPS & Cloud Server ?
Cloud has become a buzz word. Everyone uses it. However most people do not mean any specific technical specification. When it comes to Cloud, there is a certain form of virtualization used for provisioning computing resources. So you can consider that "Cloud=VPS", despite that this is not exactly like that. A standard VPS is created and hosted on a stand-alone machine, while a Cloud VPS is a virtual instance hosted on a multi-server computing platform, which provides some form of hardware redundancy and allows for scale up and down the allocation of computing resources.

Source: WebHostingTalk
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Hey, do u really guarantee for 100% uptime?
I handle some client's projects online and will not let it down
Since it is a cloud server, theoretically 100% uptime is possible. But there may be planned maintenance issued by the datacenter once in a month or so. So practically 100% uptime cannot be fully guaranteed :)
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