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Active Member
DeLeTeD and I were chatting in the chatbox earlier and he mentioned that he was thinking of coding a custom blog script with lots of features.

As of now here is our idea's.

auto link checker
index shows total links and file hosts
auto submitter built in
auto info grabber for posts
simple ddl backlink adder (like a yes/no option of ddl to add)
easy plugins and themes
Katz acceptance tracker which tells you when they started to accept/track all submission history

The core will be simple with options to make it more advanced on preference. Speed will be a factor looked at closely.

Any suggestions?

It would be free for wj members and they can help report bugs, release stuff for it ect ect. If there is enough interest I will do it. Thanks jsx I couldn't word it better myself
The idea is good but please post suggestions, and if you would actually use it. I am fairly lazy when it comes to free work so demand should satisfy my needs
Just use wordpress and make some plugins. If you use proper caching & configure everything properly, the load isn't really heavy
Stripping a few codes doesn't make it custom.. the core stays the same.

If you buy a new car and replace the doors, it's not your creation all of a sudden :/
No sorry I'm on my phone, so lazy to type. Using wp I would have to remove tons of useless stuff and would be more work. If the interest is high the blog will be made from the ground up, not using wp at all.

Hope that clears it up, sorry for concussion, just typing like this is annoying

Edit my last post make it better english
Local I never said it will come tomorrow. It will be a progress over time. I could use the core of the cms I have made since it's very flexible.
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