BitShare Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

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Bitshare just reduced their daily download quota from 70 GB to only 30 GB.
I think happened around 1-2 weeks ago, i' not sure I am not downloading everyday. Only weekend,.

Got a lot f unhappy users about this. Even worse this 30 GB is not accumulated to the next day.
And Bitshare secretly (read : cowardly) changed this download quota without informing their premium users.

Now pending my premium expire and bye bye Bitshare
I requested payment on 08-04-14 and still waiting. And I have enough funds to make another request. I guess I won´t see that money.
Guys, that's normal with BitShare that you have to wait around 3 months for being paid. Nevertheless the rates are good and they always paid so far...
But: If you need your money fast, you'll have to switch to another host.
I have more than 20 open requests, since I make them every 2-5 days. They are paid in bunch, so the more often you make a request the more likely you'll get paid in their next payment circle.
@souza, This "****" as you called, Paid me more than 11k, So this is the reason that people still use Bitshare, Because PAY on incredible rates !
beside the very long wait for payout (3 months), there is still one more problem.

everyday there is one/two period where no upload can be done, anyone know what is the problem? (seem their other site freakshare don't have such problem)....

No Server for upload avalaible at this moment!
Bitshare, I give up. Too much time has been wasted. Starting new season in September or October I'm moving to another host. NVPMusic mentioned about 11k USD, I made much, much more with you, but it is over now. Payment delay is still close to 100 days, one year passed and nothing has changed and I guess nothing will change in the upcoming 12 months. Many old affiliates like me already gave up on you. Thousands of dollars are in queue, while Alexa rank is constantly decreasing. And now you have to piss off us more with "No Server for upload avalaible at this moment!". It was nice time with you, but we can't work like that anymore. I give you last 30-60 days.
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