- Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

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coolro: We had an ad placement that malfunctioned the site for 4 days. This meant that no one could download except for those who did not have ad-blockers and those who were premium. It also meant 40% less for us :-) We have fixed this now and we can see that numbers are slowly returning back to normal.

usooop: Let me summarize it for you below:

The hosts you're using:
Anon & Free download speed: 30-150 KB/s
Anon & Free wait time before file: 90-180 seconds (sometimes longer)
Anon & Free wait between files: 60-180 minutes

Anon & Free download speed: 150-400 KB/s
Anon & Free wait time before file: 90 seconds
Anon & Free wait between files: 5-20 minutes

How is that no good?
you're right Jo
but earnings are in decrease
i hope you can fix it soon
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Streaming: the first frame of the video takes a time in appear (that is the thumbnails of the video) and on many occasions buffering videos takes to much time.

You can improve this?

Fergar: It depends what hours of the day. We run happy hours which should give a smooth loading whereas during peak hours this may slow down a little. Of course this is for anonymous users; free users will always enjoy a little bit more bandwidth, so if you can recommend them to sign up all should be good.

shiringan2014: Think with your numbers, you should be able to afford $9.99 ;-)
Remains low count the downloads, less than half of normal. But should stabilize this week, right?
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My username: lursonworld

I requested a payout day before yesterday, but my payment was declined after few hours.

Please let me know why my payment was declined. If it is an error please fix it

From yesterday, I tried to reach out through support page, but I have trouble with the request page. I am unable to send any request there. So, I am looking for a solution here
Hi Jo,

Tried to extend my premium account but your paygate does not support postal codes, only numbers. Can you adjust this please as my account will expire in 3 days, thanks

from 14 September I am waiting on the payment but it's still pending
when bigfile ( had problems i trusted them and supported them but that's what I get - more than 1 month no payment
I can't work until i get my payment - that payment is not big but for me it's important - to know is bigfile scam or not .
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