Best programming language to learn

Best programming language to learn?

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There is no such as best programming language. Different languages suit for different tasks.
If you already know html (which, btw, isn't a programming language but a markup language), you should go with CSS, Javascript and PHP, to be able to create websites and web apps.
Depends on your interest too. if you learn php today for web desiging and someday you get to know that java is the one you needed, you'll just have to learn java. first think which language will be useful to you! or else learn everything.
Pascal? :O :facepalm:

QBASIC? :O :facepalm:

PHP -> Is a mix of C/Java and a bit of HTML.

C++ -> Strong OOP concepts, learn it while you can.

Java -> Comes after C++, although some people like learning Java first because of its feature-rich nature, it's totally upto you.

Visual Basic -> Don't bother for now

C# -> If you're familiar with OOP concepts.

By OOP concepts I mean the basic stuff i.e. the whole classes/methods and inheritence/method overloading/overriding funda ;)

Hope this helps [trollolol]

have some things to discuss.
added you. <3
Go for PHP. You can do a lot of useful stuff and it's easy to learn, very intuitive.
Also, you can monetize that learning if you want to.

CSS isn't really a programming language, but if you don't master it yet and you want to develop for the web, it is crucial.
Oh and it is really fun!
this thread is completely opinionated and will never result in a definitive answer. Its like asking which country cooks the best food, or whats the best football team. Its completely dependent on somebody's opinion. Questions like this are not allowed on programming sites such as Stack Overflow for this exact reason. There is no answer.
This is how it will be if taught in a school, chronological order....

1. Pseudo code or programming logic
2. C
3. C++ or Java
4.C# - easiest to work with

The problem is if you try to learn whatever language without actually thinking of the logic or algorithms behind it you will never master anything.... so try learing how to write alogrithms and understand the logic behind it, then it will be really easy to learn any language.
PHP is only good because of its ubiquitous nature, every web hosting company supports it out of the box. From a design and usability standpoint it's quite lousy though, and it's extremely domain specific. I know it only because 90% of what I do involves the web, and I can use it on literally any web hosting account.

Your poll doesn't mention it, but I would go with Python. Its batteries included philosophy and the ease of installing new modules(with easy_install) make it essentially the swiss army knife of programming.
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