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Worst mistake of my life. I'm generally pretty good with tech stuff, or at least I'd like to think so, but the worst mistake I ever made was making it known to the rest; family, friends and even people who I rarely speak to seem to find a way to get in touch with when something's not working.

Their phone is too slow, their Android does something weird, the battery dies too soon. "Hey man, can you Jailbreak my iPhone?", there's a virus on their laptop, you get the drill.

Hell, I even have people who only text me when they need my help, I swear if I'd go back to my texts and check, "hey man, problem with this thing" would always be the subject. Fucking hell, not even a try-to-be-nice attempt and say "Hey man, sorry for bothering you, I know you're prolly busy?"
It's like I've created a company that deals 24/7 with their tech issues.

Now what? You may ask, well simple enough, I have a sweet spot for family, they get a pass, anyone else that 'uses' my skills gets cut off, "sorry man, got 3 assignments due for next week, you better take it to a shop cuz I'm hella busy."
So yeah, take it from me, if you're good at whatever it is that you do, never, ever, do it for free, and don't let it known because your phone will blow up with requests from help.

What's your story? Do you fix a lot of other people's shit? Are you annoyed by it? Oh well, comment below, I wanna hear it, or well, read about it at least.
Haha! I believe almost everyone computer literate (inc. myself) has been through this (or even still are!). I've had countless number of requests to fix issues and have been referred to the "IT guy" as referred in your title too! I do get annoyed when they refer me to the "IT guy" - some people also do state that I should stop fixing stuff for free. I simply ignore messages/calls now and its helped.
man, I sometimes hate having knowledge for computers and mobiles. people take you for granted, they think that they own me.
I will fix my sister laptop or her phone even if she lives 5 miles away but how come some relative even expect me to go to their home to fix their PC or laptop. man are you insane?

I do have some work, my studies, my business. the only thing they trying is to save money, because for the same job a Normal IT guy from the Company wearing Suits will charge then a hell of money and they sometimes make issues out of nowhere and when it comes to us we do it for free. if you try to make them learn, they are not ready to learn either saying who will waste so much time, seriously ? am I all free for you ?
I know your pain guys, lol.
Seriously though, people seem to use it and take advantage of you, I've pretty much totally stopped helping others, too much time to be consumed while doing that.
My little brother who is 18 and is my half brother messaged me about 10 months ago asking me to fix his laptop, I have other things to do in my spare time but didn't mind, I am probably a half hour walk away from his house or a 5 minute drive as his mothers partner drives.. So I said as long as you can get it to me I'll fix it (My baby was around a year old.. Quite a handful, etcetc).. Can't remember what his reply was but he kept insisting I go to his house which obviously I am not going to do when I have better things to do, if he wants it fixing, bring it to me..? A week later he sends me a message on facebook saying "I swapped my laptop in the end" so I replied with "Nice" and then he posts a status on facebook "Some people are so useless" lololol what a dick.

The other day I was removing the password from someones computer (Genuinely forgot their password - blaming the wife) so I was using hirens bootcd and it kept throwing errors and not working, I eventually found a work around but the whole entire time the guy was breathing over my shoulder, I hate fixing computers when someone is watching everything I do and then when something doesn't work they make me panic by panicking themselves lol..

Luckily I don't get bothered so much because I don't waste my time on idiots that just want me for a favour, I only go out of my way if someone has done something for me in the past, i.e; guy was a mechanic, spent a few hours here and there helping me with my current and previous car etc, wanted me to remove password from his brothers computer :-)

I'm just disappointed that I haven't made a career out of IT considering I have super awesome qualification but I don't think qualifications really mean anything? Meh, will carry on gold hunting for now.
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This used to happen to me a lot when i claimed to be "The IT guy"... now i pretty much keep it a secret. Lol i dont really do any computer work like I used to (3-5 years ago)
Solved this by becoming an actual IT guy. I also don't have friends which helps a lot!

OFFtopic: I can be your friend man.

Ontopic: For some reason, non-tech people always find a way to put their problems in your pocket. If you ever had a plumber friend, how many times did you call him not talking for ages, hey my toilet broke, wanna have a beer? I don't think that ever happens. I am always the IT guy. It it not fun, but someone has to do it.
Lol, you can't do anything other than being proud about it :) Imagine people being called as support executive, yours is much better than that.
I just do it...what goes around comes around, I look at it all.I can't always fix it, but do the right thing, look at it..been in this game for over 15 years, never hurts to say, sorry, get somebody else
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