Any provider for budget lowend VPS with best price?

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Active Member
I need a VPS with a decent uptime preferably located in central Europe. Other than that I don't really care about specs it could be as low end as it gets (64MB RAM, 500MB disk space). I'm looking at about 5GB traffic/month. Purpose is perfectly legal so I don't need any offshore hosting. Basically my priorities are: Price > Uptime > Specs

Edit: Just thought I could mention that it should be Linux box, and to be honest I don't even need a root privilege, so VPS is not even a requirement, it could be a shared box for all I care :)
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I would go with Chociz, I have 2 VPS and one Seedbox there. I think their price is unbeatable.
I am really honest when I am writing this, I am in no way related to their service.
If you are not satisfied with them, I will pay you half of what you spend, I promise.
Go to a few hosting review sites and read what people have said, there is a high chance that a host has written positive things about himself so you are looking for negative reviews because those will tell you the truth.
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