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Who says its hacked? Can also be under a flood attack, and null routed the IP cause it will cost them to much bandwidth..

I dont know maybe the letter they sent out ?

Also a null-route or a ddos would not make there site show index-of lol
Well if they have 2 days old day then you are quite lucky.
Take that data and be happy :)
Also it would rather be wise of you to have your own backups than counting on hosts.

Good Luck

You are right!
2 days of datalost is nothing compared with other shared hosts which offer support on wjunction.My site got deleted 2 times and the host have no backup,so mate you are a very lucky person.
Has nothing to do with global layer as we use global layer as a net route also.

A network cannot be the cause of security issues on a server side, so don't assume ;)

That's what I thought until I signed up with them. With a fresh reinstall, check the logs and you'll see - had my server connecting to all nasty stuff. Of course you could always blame the client, but a fresh install?

Anyway its an altushost thread, I'm already off topic.
Don't forget that you should do your own backups (at least one backup per week), even in the most expensive companies, they never assume responsibility for lost data (read the tos).
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