all who lives in uk pls help

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Active Member
i am planing to go to UK, live and work.
where would you suggest to go?
what websites, local magazines you know where i could find rent of flat or house?
also websites for finding job?
I dont need visa, because i live in EU, going as worker.
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I'm from the UK. It is really hard for some people to get work here, especially if you're English. :| Not to sound racist, but the immigrants seem to have more jobs than most of the English people lol I'm not racist, but just stating facts really.
I'm from the UK. It is really hard for some people to get work here, especially if you're English. :| Not to sound racist, but the immigrants seem to have more jobs than most of the English people lol I'm not racist, but just stating facts really.

This is a valid point.

Two reasons why not to come to England:

1) You'll get loads of racist comments directed at you because of the level of non-English in England

2) The economy is failing exponentially, England is one of the worst places to move to for a job if you look at business to employee ratios.

If you are extremely skilled and qualifiied in a uncommon career then sure come over. Otherwise, stay clear!
You could come to Norway. It is rather easy to get a job to be honest. It's a good country to.

timber work. working in a warehouse.

very easy, and quite popular by immigrants.
well in england is better economical situation than in my country
about JAV i need visa.
about Norway i dont know Norwegian language :/
still i didnt get any help about sites and other :/
In many of the companies you are not really required to know the original language. You would do fine without knowing Norwegian but it would be a huge plus if you tried to learn norwegian though. Of course it is a benefit to know the actual language very well, but some companies might even pay the norwegian study for you if they like you and want to have a good business relationship with you.
This is a valid point.

Two reasons why not to come to England:

1) You'll get loads of racist comments directed at you because of the level of non-English in England

2) The economy is failing exponentially, England is one of the worst places to move to for a job if you look at business to employee ratios.

If you are extremely skilled and qualifiied in a uncommon career then sure come over. Otherwise, stay clear!

that! lol and its not the prettiest place neither
Mate Uk is the best palce to be.

what sort of work are you going to do in Uk?
You can find work in job center
do you know anyone who is living in Uk?
i know but you know how it happens everyone screams "yeah i can help, anytime mate". but when it comes to deal everyone "had no time" "oh sorry now nothing"
well i dont know for fist time maybe any work and then maybe will try to get any by mine profession.
main problem is to rent apartments, i have limited amount to spend on this, and limited time to get work to not get into -$$$ ;/
rent is very expensive in london but out side london is ok

you need money mate or some where to stay for atleast for few months tell you find a house and a work
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