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Is it safe to use Nulled script ?
Suppose I wanna use IPB 3 nulled.

Is it problem when someone report my site or IPB get to know that I`m using it ??
If yes
then what will causes of that ?

Any suggestion about Open source frameworks ?
I'll take vBulletin as an example.

Let's say i have Nulled vBulletin 3.x in my site , if someone reports my site to the vBulletin team , they would contact me with a Licence Proof wich i wouldn't have since its Nulled , if you can't proove the Lincence they'll request you to Stop your forum , and the same would happen with IPB.
if you host in Hong Kong then i believe nothing will happen, if you are hosted lets say in netherlands you will probably get a few warnings? idk?
LOL I was scared of using nulled vB so installed phpBB, though many webmasters had assured me earlier that it would be safe in case of offshore hosting.

Okay little offtopic: If I am caught using nulled script and get a warning, and I buy a license straight away, will I still be fined or asked to close the forum?
If somehow the IPB guys come to know that you're using a nulled script then they're going to email you about it. If you don't take any actions asap then they'll start taking actions.

Better go with a hosting in Netherlands/Hong Kong. You won't get caught >.<
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