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is your Website Hits using iframe? and what stated in GA when exchanging or browsing in website hits?. if it is not iframe and the referal stated in GA is not from your site (proxchanger), i want the coupon and would love to buy your service after the coupon is end.

Sorry to asking you this question cause i had once banned from Adsense because of using services in exchanger like yours that opened my sites in iframe and my GA recorded traffic comes from traffic exchanger which is strictly prohibited by Adsense...

Looking forward for your answer...

xeniux =)

dear its not like you old one traffic Exchange.....
you check first that is completely awesome plan...
Pm'd you Coupon Code

my username is smtayeeb ..... :)
Pm'd you Coupon Code

my username is ge0
Pm'd you Coupon Code
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