1000TB Virtual HD! PetaNDrive

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i believe they are down and they will not turn on anymore

Your believe is true :P

[B]Internal Server Error[/B]

 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
 Please contact the server administrator,  webmaster@petandrive.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
 More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
 Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I was thinking to upload my childhood pics and most recent porno on this site :( ...LOL Kidding..just like they were "jus kiddin" :p
I got their replies:

contact person ? contact@petandrive.com to me
show details 12:49 PM (0 minutes ago)

rapidshare give you unlimited storage, we give you 1PT
the poin it that when we run out of storage we just plug in another server.
and users can share files with each other and can send TB of files to thier friends in seconds. so we dont need that huge storage...


contact person ? contact@petandrive.com to me
show details 12:46 PM (0 minutes ago)

rapidshare has about 4PT of total drive...
Anyone knows what's the minimum size a file has to be so that when a free user downloads it, you get points?

It states this on their website:
You will receive up to 2 points (0.02$) for each time that a free user download one of your links. 20$ per 1000 downloads!

Last time i contacted them, they took almost a week to answer back.

For uploading and downloading I found it much better than other file hosts.
Website says
Due to some people cheating to make money, we changed the make money plans again.
Now you will receive 0.1$ per every user you bring to the site (instead of just 0.05$), and 0.15$ per FaceBook friends.
We reduced the money made from downloads to 20$ per 1000 downloads and added some security to prevents users from cheating

Like 20$ will stop people from cheating? :P
They answered back fast this time. This is their reply:

its not importent but you are limited by the amount of files frm the same free user, this is to prevent cheaters...

So how I understand it, a file can be 1gb or 10mbs, you get same points. And if a free user downloads 10 or 200 files, you get same points.

I may be wrong but that's how I understood it.
Yeah, RapidShare offers unlimited storage just like you said... but have you forgotten they have a fair usage policy? :facepalm:

Nothing is unlimited unless they claim it to be unmetered and/or have no AUP about it's usage lol.

On my own website I offer unlimited storage, but I know people on avg upload 1GB. I'm guessing this is what you did, offer something massive because you know people can't/wont use it all up. :)
When you click "How is this possible?" it takes you back to homepage, I guess they don't have an answer..LOL.

for me its visible

1000 TB? how is this possible?!?! and for free?!

We have seen many posts on different forums claiming that "it is not possible", But it IS possible, and we do it, so we would like to explain how.

First of all, we are dealing with virtual storage and we wrote the filesystem for it. Files will be located on you virtual hard drive and it will look like one physical hard drive, but on our servers they are spread on many many hard drives in RAID arrays on different servers.
Each request for any file is being redirected by our servers, so actuality, files inside one of your folders in the virtual hard drive can be on different servers!
Secondly our servers are smart enough to make only one copy for every file, yet you can edit and change files that you receive from others without affecting other users.
Thirdly all other hosting companies offer unlimited storage, is this possible?
So how do we make money? From premium users of course, like any other hosting company...
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