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You surely are not trusted..
9 Posts?
Hardly any description or proof...
and I can get 5000 backlinks for $3 so....
Post count shouldn't matter, it's only $5, give it a try. Plus, them 5000 backlinks for a buck will eventually get you banned.
Hi there.

Yes I have got only 9 post here yet, I'm sorry about that. I'm from Hungary and I have got 8-10 years experience as a web developer, but there are not a lots of work in my country. I just try to work for english people now. :-)

My enlish is not the best, but I do what I can. I register 10 backlinks for your website for only 5usd. Not a lots of money, but its good for me in my country and I work for it. I do this work manually. I don't use bots...

I have got about 800-1200 places where I can register your webpage. They are english websites...

If someone give me a canche I will show how can I really do it! :-) And he/she will write me a review... ;-)
I may can give the first copy for 2,5usd for someone, but not for totaly free.. :-p ...

I give an excel table after I finished my work. It includes the keywords, desciptions and the places where I registered your page.
And I create an unique e-mail for every work. I give you the login for that e-mail.

I have made more than 10k in my Country... (for example: :-p [] ... :-D )

Added after 46 minutes:

(I have to only PAYPAL or PAYONEER ... I'm sorry... If you give me an e-mail address I can send you a request from paypal and you can pay in with Master card or something like that... )
Now I have made Payza account... :-)

Added after 1 39 minutes:

I have finished my first job here. :-) It was the first when my customer wasn't hungarian. I hope I did it well... I'm waiting for review... :-)
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I placed an order for 10 backlinks and it was completed very soon and you even sent me the details also by mail.

But you have given links of the submitted sites but how to see exactly where my link has been placed.

I can't go on looking for my link all over the site.

So please give the exact url of the links being placed where I can my sites links.

Hope you understood what I mean to say.

After that only I can place another order.
I placed an order for 10 backlinks and it was completed very soon and you even sent me the details also by mail.

But you have given links of the submitted sites but how to see exactly where my link has been placed.

I can't go on looking for my link all over the site.

So please give the exact url of the links being placed where I can my sites links.

Hope you understood what I mean to say.

After that only I can place another order.

Hi there,
Yes it was only 10 registration, so I could make it quick. :-) Usually in my country my customers order 100-200 registration from me, so I have a bit experience.

I have gived to you the links to directories where I submitted your site. My customers never asked me for the links where exactly their pages... Just for catalogues... But if you want next time I can save wich categorie was choosen to your page. Also you can write your url into the search area to the directiries. And also you will receive mails about registrations to that e-mail account I have created.

For this pack I dont exactly remember the curent positions of your links, but I choosed categories for anchors... If anchor text was Games, then I registered your site to Games category... If it was Magazines and ....? Than I tried to find MAgazines or news category for that... It was logical for me...

Could you give a screenshot to the others from my excel withouth the password that I gave you?

And as I said: You can ask me for more details next time if you want... It just my usuall work what did you get...

(Sorry, the p-rn site was for you... :-) So usually I tried to choose Indian p-rn or Blog category for your site where I found it...)
Added after 3 minutes:

Review Copy Please.... and one question it will be from high pr websites?

Hi there,

PR of directories are random. Usually from 1 to 4, and maximum frm 4 to 9 ... But they are rare...

And yesterday was a p-rn site. I'm sorry, but I realized that for p-rn sites it's very difficult to find high pr directories. I can do the job with p-rn site, but lower pr-s than normal sites. :-( If your page is english.. In Hungary it's a bit easier...
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Ok thanks for the reply.

But being a professional you should always send the URL where specifically links have been posted for better understanding between you and your client.

If you manage to get some other new high ranked p-rn sites for backlinks just PM me.

And from next time exact links please.
Ok thanks for the reply.

But being a professional you should always send the URL where specifically links have been posted for better understanding between you and your client.

If you manage to get some other new high ranked p-rn sites for backlinks just PM me.

And from next time exact links please.

He does have a valid point. The exact link does need to be provided.
He does have a valid point. The exact link does need to be provided.

Ok. For the next Time i will give the closest link I can... :-) I just did it like this, cos I did it everytime like this and no one wanted to get the exact url... But I will do it with it... :-) Next time... Who is the next? :-p :-D

My excek document looks like this:
directory	anchor text	description	pr	something	description2	2	something	description3	3
So, people have to "search" for their link on the directory? that's kinda lame. You need to provide the exact page where the URL has been posted, not the "closest" link.
Not all directory has "exact url for each url" ..

Sometimes I can save only the category url for it... But may M knowledge is not enought... :-s

The best example , but its hungarian:

On pages like this one. How could I save an exact link???? Tell me...
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