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We are glad to share KatzDDL v2 powered by WordPress CMS. We know that sometime things sink with black pearls in deep oceans. But need of time is thing which do amazing things to imagine old times. We are up for you with KatzDDL again providing your with your daily stuff - but this time we will not allow you to leave the website into iframes. You and your content will remain on KatzDDL.

You can again Enjoy the All stuff like Apps, Movies, Games, Shows, Sports, Books and Many More on one page. All we need it from you is the appreciation and support for us. Its just a start for a long journey it will be improved in day-by-day. we are here also to give you updates about us.

Instructions To Follow for All which can be read on help section of KatzDDL.
There are no limits of posts for authors.
For posters right now there is a subscription system just like on other websites.
Contact: You can contact us through contact link on website or via WJUNCTION too. All questions will be answered.

Note: Your suggestion for improvement are welcome, all positive and negative remarks are also welcome to us on same medium we love to hear from you - no matters in favor or not. But we love to communicate in all sides :kissing_heart:
Using the Katz name and logo for something that isn't even remotely related to the original project is not cool.
You are right, but katz is not the copyright property with non-common usage rights. we have worked hard two months with our skills to make WordPress cms to make it slight.
We love to work on cool things what people demand and likes :) we love everyone's opinion who do not likes the cool mind ideas :) Everyone is respectful for us .
It's not a matter of copyright. This is WJ. Copyright is a foreign concept here. It's how you're framing it. Why didn't you go with an original name and branding instead of trying to leaching off of something that has been dead for years? I mean, it's not even the same thing without site submissions and ratings. All this does is drag a name/branding which a lot of us old-timers have fond memories of through the mud. And who exactly are you speaking for when you say "everyone"? A few randos who don't even know how to setup a WP blog? IDGI.
I am agreed with you, but with my little skills in coding, I have done it with my coding skills.
Original name is not available yet :) submission is the old subject, right now system has moved. I respect your opinion even if you do not liked this thing dear.
Post automatically merged:

@Hyperz I got your idea too, we will also have same submission part too, added in to-do list will be sub-merge soon after testing in future. I like your ideas too :) Everything will be under same umbrella.
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There is not related to original one katz means mostly users dont know :) all have rights to use katz name :) and this site name is awesome i love it :) u did great job great work keep it up :) i seen many websites with katz name and they got fame and good reputation also so if someone says katz name is not cool katz is a copyright show me proof thanks alot :)

Good work katzddl team :)
Right now, my KatzDDL project has been sold to an warez uploader. I am feeling good that he is still running the same project after 3 years and keep posting content on it.
IF ANY ONE Else also interested to create his own site for Warez Just Inbox me :)

If any Mod online here, You can please close my this topic.