DropAPK.COM Discussion

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Dear Wjunction Users,

We are happy to introduce DropAPK.Com to webmasters, uploaders & publishers.

DropAPK.Com Launched March 2016

Note : Free premium account can be provided for good traffic generating webmasters, uploaders & publishers so you can get blazing fast uploads, downloads - Maximum upload & download slots, Torrents uploads, ad free surfing, no waiting time and much more...

Why DropAPK?
1) Clean and simple user interface
2) High speed Upload / Download
3) Unlimited GB per file to be uploaded for premium users and 20GB for free users
4) Free 200GB of storage capacity / Unlimited for premium users.
5) No limits on download or upload speed

Our affiliate program.

You can partner with DropAPK and start your business with us right away by using one of the following options:

Pay Per Download (PPD) 100% of Downloads & 20% of Sales, Rates per 1000 Downloads.

Pay Per Sale (PPs) 60% of Sales & 60% of Rebills.

Mixed Plan (MIX) 50% of Downloads and 30% of Sales.

Affiliate receive 10% earned money from each his referral

What all the payment modes you support?
1) Paypal
2) Payoneer
3) WebMoney
4) Skrill

What all uploading options do you have?
1) Direct upload
2) Remote upload
3) FTP upload
4) Torrent upload (For premium users)

Can i upload any kind of content?
Except Child porn files you can upload any type of content

How can i contact you?
1) You can directly user our contact form on the website
2) You can mail us at webmaster@dropapk.com

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can you clarify your payout schedule????
previously 2 times you said will send today, now become will send soon?
The late come from ads network, we told you date they told will paid on it, but they doesn't pay yet.

Anyway, we will process all payment at Tuesday this sure date :)

Best regards!
About prices

When a user sees the web and sees for example the 45-day one for $ 12.00.
If you are going to pay by paypal it puts you $ 15.00 and if you do it by card $ 18.75

The sales commission is made 20% or 60% on the basis shown on the web regardless of the payment method?
About prices

When a user sees the web and sees for example the 45-day one for $ 12.00.
If you are going to pay by paypal it puts you $ 15.00 and if you do it by card $ 18.75

The sales commission is made 20% or 60% on the basis shown on the web regardless of the payment method?


Our price like you see at plans, we don't get any extra amount.

If there is any extra fee that's take from resellers or visa fees.

Anyway, I will contact them to make price more clear.

Thanks to let me know.

Best regards!

Our price like you see at plans, we don't get any extra amount.

If there is any extra fee that's take from resellers or visa fees.

Anyway, I will contact them to make price more clear.

Thanks to let me know.

Best regards!

Just as it would also be interesting if with the own balance of other sales or downloads you could create premium account keys in prices as if a sale were made.

In PPS, if a user buys a 90-day account, $ 20.00 would correspond to the server 40% what is $ 8 and uploader 60% that would be $ 12.

If I have users on my website who want to buy that 90-day account, I could sell it to them for $ 20, and on the server with my account balance buy the premium code for $ 8. And the server would charge the same for that premium account and avoid sending money out and depletes the paypal limits for example.

That way you would reduce unnecessary money movements to get the same balance. And also users who do not buy by payment methods offered by the server can buy it since I for example can charge them for different payment methods such as bank transfer or methods that are typical of the country.
Just as it would also be interesting if with the own balance of other sales or downloads you could create premium account keys in prices as if a sale were made.

In PPS, if a user buys a 90-day account, $ 20.00 would correspond to the server 40% what is $ 8 and uploader 60% that would be $ 12.

If I have users on my website who want to buy that 90-day account, I could sell it to them for $ 20, and on the server with my account balance buy the premium code for $ 8. And the server would charge the same for that premium account and avoid sending money out and depletes the paypal limits for example.

That way you would reduce unnecessary money movements to get the same balance. And also users who do not buy by payment methods offered by the server can buy it since I for example can charge them for different payment methods such as bank transfer or methods that are typical of the country.

It's good idea, but we can't apply for all uploaders, because not all interesting about PPS.

Anyway I will make necessary moves to let users get there plans without fees.

Best regards!