Turbobit Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Turbobit here.

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Dear partners,

We did a very important and useful update for users.

We added PayPall as a means of payment for all countries and directions (except CIS countries).
We're looking forward to increase sales of premium access. :emoji_briefcase:

P.S.: Also we remind you that we do payout by Bitcoin and min payout is only 10$ without fee.
CostAction/Turbobit is a professional team listening to users, they answer questions quickly and always find the solution to offer the best experience, I use the PPS program and I am never disappointed. Payment always on time and never in delays. keep up the good work !!!
CostAction/Turbobit is a professional team listening to users, they answer questions quickly and always find the solution to offer the best experience, I use the PPS program and I am never disappointed. Payment always on time and never in delays. keep up the good work !!!

Thank you very much for your feedback! We do our best for partners!:fist:
why this?:
my turbobit statistics see one files 5 download , and costaction downloaded statistic all downlad only 2.

What different the turbobit and costaction download statistic?
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