Imgnext 7,00 USD + 40% Bonus / 1000 Image Views Share & Earn

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Imgnext Affiliate Program


ImgNext Will pay you , you just need to Upload and share your stuff and you will be Get Paid $$

Here are the Country Groups

Pay Rates

Group 1- United States, United Kingdom, Canada. 1000 views= 7$

Group B - Australia Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Greece,Ireland, Iceland, Luxembourg, France. 1000 views= 4.5$

Group C - Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Denmark, and New Zealand = 2.5$ /1000 Views

Group D - all other countries 0.1

Note:- We Will Add Bonus On Top 5 Uploaders (Bonus Will be Added on Every Saturday)

Add Our Chrome Extension Now

  • Minimum payout at 5$
We process the payments every Thursday. When a user request a payout we will process his / her payment Within 24 hours

Basic Conditions

  1. 1 View Counted From Each IP Per 24 Hours.
  2. You Must Be Logged In Your Account While Uploading Images.
  3. On Spam Bots or Automatic Bots your Account will be terminated without any warning.


We accept Every Content Adult / Non-Adult

Not Allowed Traffic

  1. Automated Hits,Bots Etc.
  2. Any Referrals from short url services i.e. etc.
  3. Any Social Media traffic i.e. twitter,facebook etc.

Register : Imgnext Share & Earn

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What you are thinking now? Start And Make some Real $$ Now Good luck All!
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Just Registered, approve my affiliate account request thanks username: redbloodcell. hope that the rate for japan won't change. details for payment processor?
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Nice Logo.
Ps: You wont last 3 months paying 7$ while making your site profitable enough.


We will do our best though!

Just Registered, approve my affiliate account request thanks username: redbloodcell. hope that the rate for japan won't change. details for payment processor?

All Affiliates are approved , Thanks :)

payments done via payza, paypal and webmoney thanks
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Looks fine but i don't see the "earn" page in your site.
Good to see Japan in $2.5 pay rate, anyway good luck.
I mean you should put a "earn" page in your page, so if there's a visitor when they see it they'll join in, as not everyone visit WJ and see your thread. Anyway just my opinion.
Please activate my account.

User ID: antthenait

Can you send PayPal to Indian member ?

Because there are many image host admins those who are from India and it's impossible to send money from one Indian PayPal account to another Indian PayPal account.

Only Non-Indian PayPal account holder can send money to all over the world including India.

If you have PayPal account outside of India then you should able to send money to India through PayPal. So, Indian admins' are using Bank Transfer to send money to Indian members.
When I upload through Ajax it gives me the error : Injection detected. What does that mean? By the way, please increase your file size to 5000x5000 px.
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Just tried it, something you need to change or fix abit.
Uploaded a screenshot with 1882px x 1356px when click on the pic for full size it open up a new window but in the new window there's no scroll bar on right hand side, so visitor can't scroll up and down to check the full screenshot. I would suggest 2 things, either just click on the pic it will showed full size or if you want to keep it as popup simply add the scroll bar let the visitor able to scroll up and down.

It seems this script are having problem with the popup which is no scroll bar, other host which using this script also same but some offer no popup just simply click on the pic and full size view.
bro increase the max from 30 to 100 at least for ajax
30 very low

We will do this later but not now ill schedule it! Thanks!

Just tried it, something you need to change or fix abit.
Uploaded a screenshot with 1882px x 1356px when click on the pic for full size it open up a new window but in the new window there's no scroll bar on right hand side, so visitor can't scroll up and down to check the full screenshot. I would suggest 2 things, either just click on the pic it will showed full size or if you want to keep it as popup simply add the scroll bar let the visitor able to scroll up and down.

It seems this script are having problem with the popup which is no scroll bar, other host which using this script also same but some offer no popup just simply click on the pic and full size view.


Thank you For your suggestions we will add this in our next Update :)
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