- Affiliates Earn $$$ With Our Genuine Affiliate Program ($25.00/1,000)

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Already a member days before they stated this thread at WJ but couldn't take the risk

Best plan so far for affiliates in terms of PPD until and unless something hidden systems of efficiency like Letitbit and counts all downloads correctly.

Wish you good luck and success.
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report download for country download statistic!
You are referring to the Report module which provides more information regarding your stats? If so, that is in place already.

@ webmaster07 --> no u r terribly wrong....:facepalm:

i want to take back up of my own files
i mean presently in
only move files to folder option available
i want copy files to folder option
hope u understand

Please contact me via PM/email.


pls increase the used space... 30GB not enough...

thank you
It will stay at 30 GB for now but as mentioned previously, all limits will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

already im in...good host
Thank you kunkumamm.

Hello, and welcome to WJunction!

I would like to ask if you count every single download from the same IP address, or do you only count 1 download per unique IP address within 24 hours?
We couldn`t possibly count every download from the same IP per 24 hours (no host could possibly do this for obvious reasons). Yes we work on the 24 hours unique principle.

i want to join but i have 2 problems

1.- the space are low...
2.- the minimun payment are too high

i have some questions

1.- free maximun download size?
2.- free traffic per day?
Hello gora, as mentioned previously the storage provided is being reviewed on an ongoing basis. Re the thresholds - it maybe a little higher than some file hosts however our payouts are very flexible (request payment whenever required and it will be paid within 3 working days).
Some file hosts quote 30 days which we feel is too long for affiliates hence why we offered our very flexible model.
Your other questions that you are asking are already being mentioned in this thread and/or should all be listed on the plans comparison at our site.

No alertpay
Max Upload File Size 500 mb
Registered user 30 GB ????
Premium user 120 GB ????

I can't join.
callado, we value your input but please read our previous comments regarding the allowances. AlertPay should be fine if this is your preferred payment model (we are in the process of implementing this).

welcome to wj
Hello again madboy009 - thank you for the welcome. :)

Already a member days before they stated this thread at WJ but couldn't take the risk

Best plan so far for affiliates in terms of PPD until and unless something hidden systems of efficiency like Letitbit and counts all downloads correctly.

Wish you good luck and success.
Thank you for your kind words Freedesixxx. Nothing is hidden with our system. Hopefully my explanation of our business model and my replies here indicate that our plans are intended for the long term.

best affiliate plan, but i storage and max upload size is way too low
We are pleased you like the affiliate plan. Allowances question - please refer to the previous comments. upload size is too low
Again, please understand that the limits are constantly being reviewed.

happy to see u active in this thread

We are very flexible with your payments and allow you to request payment whenever you require it and we will make payment within 3 working days (as long as the minimum payout threshold of $25.00 has been reached)

can we request payment at any amount ??

pls make the minimum payout 10$

^^yup i know payment only @ 25$

i want u to reduce to 10$


Remote Upload file size only 500MB...very bad

pls increase to 1024 MB atleast...
constructive criticism

You do not understand. The time to increase storage space is now!
Have you noticed that now has several competitors?
And they offer more space for storage?

The space offered by is for small uploaders ...
Need spread links to attract premium accounts
medium and large uploaders will not get into your Affiliate program.

If you want to keep small also (short $)
continue providing the same storage space .... :facepalm:

^^yup i know payment only @ 25$

i want u to reduce to 10$


Remote Upload file size only 500MB...very bad

pls increase to 1024 MB atleast...
Threshold of $25 remains as it is. Many affiliates have hit that already so right now we have no plans to lower it.

Allowances I have already covered.


You can not get to 300MB ?
Please refer to previous comments. The likelihood is that these will increase soon.

You do not understand. The time to increase storage space is now!
Have you noticed that now has several competitors?
And they offer more space for storage?

The space offered by is for small uploaders ...
Need spread links to attract premium accounts
medium and large uploaders will not get into your Affiliate program.

If you want to keep small also (short $)
continue providing the same storage space .... :facepalm:
7up, I appreciate your input and as mentioned, the allowances will increase however what people need to understand is that many file hosts fail and disappear (often owing affiliates money) because they tried to offer everything as soon as they have gone live without having a longer term plan.

Maybe is god for little files...
We have already mentioned that we are happy providing Premium accounts to those uploaders who can generate quality traffic (several upgrades have been provided already).

Added after 8 minutes:

And this brings sales?
What sustains a hosting account is sales channels.
If not ... nothing, pps, ppd ....
Yes you are correct - Premium Sales are key to a host being able to survive.
Please be assured that all the comments in this announcement thread are noted. Also, I should mention again that upgrades to Premium accounts are available for successful traffic generators.

i downloaded one file from italy and they pay me $0.0025... like a group C and non Group B. Please Fix it. Thank you.
Our apologies - that has now been fixed. :)
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my traffic is quality, sure, but even with premium 120 GB, very little, but I will use this to upload small files ...
VictorVal, please keep an eye on this thread what with the allowance changes etc. :)

I request my 1st payment today :) hope suport can proses my payment fast :) thanks
Thank you boe, we state 3 working days however your payment will be processed quicker than that (most likely today).
Originally Posted by pusher85
i downloaded one file from italy and they pay me $0.0025... like a group C and non Group B. Please Fix it. Thank you.

Our apologies - that has now been fixed. :)

I confirm that it's fixed. Remember that you are sincer and trasparent we use your host at 100%. If you try to kidding us, so you understand...:-)
Really good support, continue like this. Thank you bye

PS: any news about Jdownloader support?
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