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Active Member
260 is looking for forum moderators and super moderators.

The website had some technical issues for a few weeks but all has been resolved, site is generating 2.5-3k unique/day from direct & google traffic.

Before we start submitting and promoting we need some more team members.



UW Moderator Principles
Hey guys, this thread is here to help you better understand how this site should be ran. Everyone has questions and beliefs as to how things should be done, and granted overtime you will all develop your own style when it comes to doing things across the community, however there are still basic principles that we all must follow. If you are interested in being on the UW Team for a long time to come and want to make our community live up to its full potential, then please follow these guidelines and practices:

Infraction/Banning Intensity:
Infractions & Bans are to be given on a user to user basis. Not everyone is the same, not everyone is given the gift of common sense either. Before giving anyone an infraction or a ban, we should all try to help the member understand what it is that they are doing wrong, how to fix it, what they need to do, etc. If we simply give them an infraction or a ban without attempting to help them correct there mistakes, then we fail as a team...

Coding Links: First time failure to code links does not warrant an infraction here on USAWarez. Moderators (and Administrators) are to contact the member in private via private message and alert them of how to correctly make their postings in the future. If the member continues to infract and fail to use the code tag around download links, attempt to contact them for a second time. If no progress is made with this member, proceed with giving them an infraction. At this point the member has clearly disregarded the UW Forum Rules, your private message attempts, and maybe an infraction will get there attention. In most cases* members will respond to your pm's and make every attempt at correcting their mistakes in the future. Please keep in mind that members do make mistakes and they may forget to code their links down the road. If you feel that a member is trying their best (perhaps they are new) then giving them an infraction would not be an option.

Phishing/Redirection Links:
Any suspicious links are to be taken very seriously! Suspicious links are links that are usually un-coded and are using link-redirection services. This is done usually to mask the original location which sometimes can be a phishing link. Other times these link-redirection services are used as a way for them to make cash. USAWarez does not allow this whatsoever. We, ourselves do not have paid advertising on our website, so our members shouldn't be profiting from the postings here either. In the event that a member is found to be posting phishing links, they are to be immediately banned from the forum and all of their posts are to be deleted. Upon deletion Administrators will then review the soft-deleted threads for clerification. If a user is found to be using re-direction or money making links (other than Hotfile), the re-direction link & money making link is to be reported to an Administrator so it can be properly added to censorship for no future use on USAWarez. The member is to receive a 1 point infraction. Future attempts at posting content in regards to money-making or re-direction links will result in a ban for X amount of days (this is up to you).

Sectional Posting Guideline Disregard: USAWarez has a predestined Sectional Posting Guideline which gives all members the opportunity to see how to post their content, where to post their content, and what type of content is and is not permitted on USAWarez. If a member is found to be posting content that is not permitted on USAWarez, they are to receive an immediate ban for X amount of days (depending on the type of content). If the member is not posting their shares in the correct format, which is; accompanied with a dvd, box cover or screenshot, and in most cases a brief description. They are to be notified via PM with the Sectional Posting Guideline link and notified by you what exactly they were doing incorrect. If the member fails to do so repeatedly, this should result in an infraction, and upon your own judgement a possible temporary ban.

Spam: Spam varies in all shapes and sizes. Some members spam and do so unknowingly, and then we have those who spam intentionally, over and over and over again. Not to mention the bots that come across every single day. Bot's are to be banned immediately, no pm's, no infractions, just click the ban button and let them be on there way. Members who spam the forum with useless posts or the shoutbox, depending on the severity and the type of spam should receive an infraction. In a lot of cases spammers will receive a ban, but this is all on your own discretion. Like I said in the beginning of this thread. Infractions & bans are given on a user to user basis upon your own judgement.

Multiple Accounts: If a user is making multiple accounts for whatever reason & they are not linked to any banned or already monitored accounts, monitor the account. In some cases multiple logins occur because more than one person has an account in the household, at the school, at the library, etc. And in some cases we have those who try to come back after being banned for whatever the reason may be. These individuals (depending on who they are, what they were banned for & how long ago), should wind up receiving the ban hammer once again. This is all up to you though, as the moderator you can make judgement calls in regards to this.

Harassment, Obscenity, Forum Disturbance: If a member is found to be causing chaos in the forum for no other reason than to simply cause chaos, we really don't want that around. We want our community to be the symbol of a solid, mature team, with a solid, mature community. Unfortunately with every good thing, there are bad things, and sometimes you just have to weed the bad apples out if they just don't get it.

All in all, we do not want to be overly strict when it comes to moderating the forum. We want the members to feel that they are not lesser than any of us. Just because we are in a higher position, they shouldn't feel as if they can't make a mistake, or worried that there account may be banned for minor reasons or even several minor reasons. We are here to help the average member, and the average member is someone with a few years experience who might not have come here and decided to not be a leecher for the first time. We dont want to push these members away, every member counts, and we want to help them and show them that we do indeed care. We do that by being pro-active in the community, participating and associating with members just as we would do with each other.

There should be no intense sarcasm, dislike or immaturity displayed in public view for the USAWarez members to see. If you want to joke around in the team area, on msn, that's fine. Joke with me if you want, if you have an issue, and feel that you might be getting trigger happy, speak to me or another team member. Don't have a bad day and bring it here to USAWarez. This has happened many times to many great moderators and I hate seeing it when it happens.

Last but not least, we are a community. I am here to help you, you are here to help me, we are here to help one another. If you have any questions in regards to anything that comes up on the forum, just ask me, or ask another fellow team member as they may be able to assist you. Make a thread about something in the team area. I want to thank you for taking the time to read this, and for being a part of the team here on UW & I look forward to the future of UW with hopefully all of you. Remember, the core of a site is made up of the team. We work together, we help members together, and we do all of this to our fullest potential when we are online and have the time to do so.
hmm bro.. am interested in helpin you out as a mod.. would have had applied for SM.. but don't have that much time for the spot to accumulate as a SM.. so if i can b d mod.??
Joined the site June 08. Loved it back then..

Glad to see the site is back up and running again.

If you could PM me telling me what you expect smods to do, that would be great.
I'm in the process considering if i want to continue on my current site or 'work' elsewhere. is looking for forum moderators and super moderators.

The website had some technical issues for a few weeks but all has been resolved, site is generating 2.5-3k unique/day from direct & google traffic.

Before we start submitting and promoting we need some more team members.


Good to hear that the tech issues have been solved..

Hope its running smooth now ..

First post updated with Moderator Principles.

hmm bro.. am interested in helpin you out as a mod.. would have had applied for SM.. but don't have that much time for the spot to accumulate as a SM.. so if i can b d mod.??
What forums would you like to moderate? Also, please register an account on USAWarez.

Joined the site June 08. Loved it back then..

Glad to see the site is back up and running again.

If you could PM me telling me what you expect smods to do, that would be great.
I'm in the process considering if i want to continue on my current site or 'work' elsewhere.
You were a moderator once before and that didn't work out, are you fully dedicated this time around?

Please Pm me details of what Moderator needs to do
I am also a Uploader (RS)
Moderator Principles have been posted above.

i wan't to join the moderating team , tell me if theres place for me
There is always a place for everyone. Just one question. Have you ever been a moderator before?

Ill be back soon if you still have a smod spot then :)
You know it B-)

Good to hear that the tech issues have been solved..

Hope its running smooth now ..

It is, thanks.
There is always a place for everyone. Just one question. Have you ever been a moderator before?
I was super moderator at with another nickname , i had a warez ddl site called the domain is down right now also i have managed one security crew ; khg , also i was administrator , moderator on many sites which cannot remmember because it was long time ago ..

i could be active on the usawarez forums , btw i like the skin and the header it looks sexy
i know the rules.. n also have again read it.. n tend to follow it.. n i have already been registered in there.. just need to b promoted.. n will start doing ma job with a lot of postings..11


n i would like to moderate d games n movies section.. n i guess dr's no guest section..!!

bdw one more ques.. will my posts also b submitted to katz?? :D
^ omg fknowned... those guys spam the shit out of you with forum updates :P

If you apply for a super mod position you'll be taking over my current position. That is if you get accepted ;)
I was super moderator at with another nickname , i had a warez ddl site called the domain is down right now also i have managed one security crew ; khg , also i was administrator , moderator on many sites which cannot remmember because it was long time ago ..

i could be active on the usawarez forums , btw i like the skin and the header it looks sexy
That's some good experience, thanks a lot for the compliment as well. You will receive a PM shortly on UW.

i know the rules.. n also have again read it.. n tend to follow it.. n i have already been registered in there.. just need to b promoted.. n will start doing ma job with a lot of postings..11


n i would like to moderate d games n movies section.. n i guess dr's no guest section..!!

bdw one more ques.. will my posts also b submitted to katz?? :D
Setting up your forums now, also, your posts may be submitted to Katz regularly, you would need to speak to Prodigy about that as I do not myself handle submissions. Good luck.

^ omg fknowned... those guys spam the shit out of you with forum updates :P

If you apply for a super mod position you'll be taking over my current position. That is if you get accepted ;)
No no no I don't wanna lose you lol
Back in '07 I frequented USAWarez quite a bit, actually worked my self up into a cozy staff position. USAWarez is a great place to learn the ropes and if you do well your reputation around the scene will skyrocket. Which can really come in handy when you need support with your own creation, or any other interaction for that matter.

The site is one hell of a roller coaster ride, very enjoyable, just make sure you have a seat.

Anyways, didn't know it was back up, I am going to have to check it out.
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