Which are the best tools to do keyword research?

If you want to do successful keyword research, identify the best keywords, and optimize your website's search engine optimization, you need to employ the finest tools. However, with the introduction of new tools, algorithms, and competition on a daily basis, how can you determine which ones are suitable for you?
1. Semrush Keyword Magic Tool
2. Semrush Keyword Gap Tool
3. Semrush Position Tracking Tool
4. Google Trends
5. QuestionDB
6. AnswerThePublic
7. TubeBuddy
8. Keyword Tool
9. AlsoAsked
10. Soovle
11. Sellzone Keyword Wizard Tool
12. Google Ads
When it comes to keyword research, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Different tools will work better for different people, depending on their needs and preferences.

Some of the most popular keyword research tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. However, there are also many other options available, so it's worth experimenting with a few different tools to find the ones that work best for you.

I personally use Ahrefs' keyword explorer tool which lets me uncover hundreds of profitable keywords in seconds, and it tells me how difficult it will be to rank for each one. I also use the content gap feature to see which keywords my competitors are targeting but I'm not. This gives me a competitive edge and helps me identify new opportunities.
The most important and useful tool for keywords research is the keyword planner there some others keywords tools as well such as
Keyword tracker etc
I am more with SEMrush, which has more amazing and quick tools besides keywords. Their website is more friendly to use. Also, Ahrefs is very good and more for checking the site's issues. Also, I am using Google, I think is somehow better than SEMrush
If you want to do successful keyword research, identify the best keywords, and optimize your website's search engine optimization, you need to employ the finest tools. However, with the introduction of new tools, algorithms, and competition on a daily basis, how can you determine which ones are suitable for you?
1. Semrush Keyword Magic Tool
2. Semrush Keyword Gap Tool
3. Semrush Position Tracking Tool
4. Google Trends
5. QuestionDB
6. AnswerThePublic
7. TubeBuddy
8. Keyword Tool
9. AlsoAsked
10. Soovle
11. Sellzone Keyword Wizard Tool
12. Google Ads
Which of these tools are free to use? I understand that this is not the way to build a competent text semantics, but nevertheless, I need a some kind of basis