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Active Member
Seeing as everyone feels like designing logos now, I figured i'd post a few tips.

1: Don't use the bevel and emboss filter unless you smooth it A LOT. Nothing says shitty PS skills like bevel and emboss.

2: Make sure the logo fits the site, eg a wj logo would definately not work in yellow or purple.

3: Don't use shitty fonts, if you're new to Photoshop, chances are you can't tell a good font from a bad one. Stick to minimal fonts, Most people prefer sans-serif fonts now, but serif fonts can look really nice if used well.

4: If you're new to Photoshop, DONT use the outer glow filter with text, trust me its just shows you're a newb. If used lightly it can help, but unfortunately most people just leave it on its default settings which usually looks horrible.

5: Learn basic color theory. Learn which colors match and look good together. It will greatly help you if you decide to keep doing graphics.

6: Minimalism is key with your text, the background however looks nice when complex, but make sure it's a decent kind of complex, not like spammed C4D's, etc but it actually has flow, etc. A great logo I just saw is the Gra-Fix one, -->

See how the colors work really well together?

7: This isnt really a tip to help you with your graphics directly, but its important anyway. When someone critisizes your work, don't get all bitchy. Instead ask how you could improve. When we start we all think our work is great, I was the same. Then I saw some really good stuff and I was like wow, this really doesn't compare. Following on with this, don't try to sell your work straight away, no-one will buy it. Wait until you have a month or two of photoshop experience then try and sell.

Anyway, that's all I can be bothered to type right now, if you guys have anymore tips, post em below :)

EDIT: Before anyone asks, I don't pretend to be the best at photoshop, in fact i'm not even "good" compared to others. I have however been using photoshop for the past year(ish), and I figured i'd pass on some tips to beginners.
I see #1 a lot now a days. You forgot to add don't try to sell your work right away since chances are you aren't as good as you think you are. I hate how people open up photoshop for the first time, read some tuts and now want to make money selling their "designs".
Try to learn from tutorial and master over all the tools
Learn shadow and transparency effect
Look at other ppl's work. See what they do.
Goto DaFont.Com and look for good fonts.
GO thru tuts again

srry if they overlap...but i gave these tuts on corel's basis xD dnt know much abt PS xD ve been usin corel since i was 12 :)
ugh Skords mate, i would really advice you to learn photoshop :P
I used to use Corel, but when you switch over to Photoshop, you see how much better it is :P
Except for maybe Corel Draw which is good because its so simple.
The first thing you should do in photoshop is make signatures, follow tutorials on how to make signatures and when it comes to making logos you'll have good color knowledge and you'll know more about flow and the photoshop tools.
and creattica, i kinda like that one. But yeah learn basic colour theory, primary, secondary colours, etc, the kinda stuff most people learn in grade 5 art class :P

Also Ronald, sigs aren't necessary, but they're a damn good stepping sone. They are how I started, and their great to learn with :)
And yeah, they do teach quite a bit of theory
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