The Ultimate HTML5 Toolbox: 60+ Articles, Tutorials, Resources and Inspiring Showcase

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The Ultimate HTML5 Toolbox: 60+ Articles, Tutorials, Resources and Inspiring Showcase

HTML5 is the exciting and long-awaited upgrade to HTML, featuring semantic tags, advanced functionality, and forming a powerful combination with CSS3. Most developers have heard about HTML5, and are pretty excited to start using it, but as with any new technology, there is a learning curve. Since it’s a relatively new development, there aren’t quite the plethora of tutorials and articles as there are with HTML4. But not to worry, there are still more than enough resources to get you started.
This post serves as the ultimate HTML5 toolbox. First, there’s a few introductory articles and videos to help you understand why HTML5 is important. Then we’ll dive right in with a collection of tutorials that are start-to-finish. Next, there’s a great collection of articles and tips that will help you understand more, and will cover some of the nuances of HTML5. There’s also tons of inspirational showcases, and a massive resource list that you can use to supercharge your productivity!

Introduction to HTML5 – Video – Everything you want to know about how HTML5 works, why HTML5 matters, and everything else.
no offence but HTML5 is useless for a year or so, the only browser so far that fully supports it is firefox, and it's still buggy in firefox. but good post, still pointless.
il <,

Its very usefull, its in the top browsers safari,firefox,chrome, (all major webkit) browsers, i actually use sections of the html5 for litewarez by useing the use end storage system. works on all browsers including IE8.. them 3 combined has to be atleast 70% of browser use today.

its perfectly relative xD
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