[Test] Report a Scammer Rules & Set up

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Active Member
Facts need to be supported with your report
Please don't go around saying someone scammed you! We need proof.
Still, no swearing!
ya it can get annoying and it will piss you off but refrain from swearing in this section no matter what. Use facts. People will always ask you for proof and if u don't have it then don't get mad. Its YOUR fault.

Include This in Reports
1. Scammer name
2. Accusation
3. Proof (Screenshots or something else like a video)
4. Type of scam
5. Miscellaneous comments
6. Witnesses


If you didn't scam anyone don't just say "Dude, I didn't scam him!"

-Instead of just trying to protect yourself, let's see some cold hard evidence
-SS's if you have any
-Money or account traded
-Your explanation on why they would think you scammed

But if you are accused and they havent supported it with facts or proof. Your innocent.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Admin this is a Test you may Remove this if you feel fit.
It seems to be wJunction Member nature to promote problems for the sake of the attempt to solve, or slander, not to sure which is more frequent. A thread disallowing complaints of third part trades would better wJunction, rather than promoting it.
Pretty much the first thing you need to do when you been scammed or about to do a deal with someone. Always take ss (screen shots) regularly because we all know that's the biggest proof we can get.

Yeah but itrader can be easily tricked. For example, scammers will sell small cheap things to get there itrader points build ed up, so they gain a huge rep. Then they wait for the right moment to make a big deal to scam (Because people think there loyal.)
And plus many accounts with huge rep of itrader is for sale these days. Like ghost market.
If the deal has been made on WJ you can just PM a staff member with the needed proof and we will take the needed steps.

If this hasn't happened on WJ, we can't do anything. There is no need to make a topic about this. Nice initiative but the way it should be reported is pretty clear. Staff are the only one that can ban someone so it's obvious to report it to staff.
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