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Hey guys! :D

Im looking for server under file hosting script. :) I know that the best option is to buy Dedicated server but this kind of servers are very expansive so I cant buy it now... 8-) My hosting script is new and I want to build site from 0... So I think in first 1-2 months there wont be much upload so I think that VPS server should be good for start? Later when number of users will increase I will upgrade to good dedicated server. What you think?

I have some questions now. Becouse Im interested in VPS so what kind of VPS you think that I should buy? How big disk space, etc...?? File hosting upload limit will be up to 50mb per one file. I tought about 150-200GB on start(in first 1-2 months)? What you think? Second question is: What does it mean that some servers are unmanaged or managed? What are the differences?

Can you recommend me some good VPS servers? ;)

Next question: When Im buying VPS I always have to fill informations like:

Hostname: eg. server1( NS1 Prefix: eg. ns1( NS2 Prefix: eg. ns2(

Is it important what I will write in this fields or I can write anything?? :)

Thats all now :D Sry for my language and for my stupid questions but Im totally new in using VPS or this kind of servers... I hope you understand ;)

I hope that somebody will answer and help me.

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