Quality CDN-hosting from Jodihost

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jodihost.com offers to place your statics (pictures, video, js, css, etc) on CDN-solutions base, which currently incudes more than 25 nodes in more than 20 biggest cities of the world.
- The average rate of the content's return is 2-4 times higher than the best existing hostings (by host-tracker's tests);
- Average ping to nodes 2-3 tmes better than to a domain that does not use CDN (by just-ping tests);
- I guess everyone knows the advantages of CDN. This is unloading of your servers and the shortest path from the user to the content;
- Switching to our resources are virtually instant (You do not need to move anything, only to record cname for a domain);
- Almost any staistics is available;
- Pay in fact for the last month, with no overusing. Average prices are about $2-4 per megabit (depends on volumes);
- The seed limitation is supported (wihthe possibility to set the primary buffer without limitation), and also hash to protect video content;
- The management of the files removal from CDN is from the admin area (also there is an API interface);
There is no cost for the place taken by files! Only for traffic!
Tariff plans for the offer can be found at CDN. Dedicated Hosting. Backup data storage.
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