Programming languages used for certain jobs

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What programming languages does a programmer use when he creates, codes and prepares everything for a website to start. I know it requires Photoshop skills for design and mysql for the database but what else is there?

And what programming languages does a programmer use to create a facebook game? Is it only one? I know most games are in Flash but do they require another language to support the main one or anything else?

Thank you in advance!
IT's not only one language. You can pick up any language to accomplish your task. And by the way, by using Java programming language you will be able to code many useful stuffs. Java was the most common language from ages, and still now .. and i think it will last the most common one in the coming days.

Just learn something useful, and impress the world by your creative coding.
That's what I am planning - I got so much ideas but I don't know much about programming languages. I know the basics of C and C++ and a bit of HTML and Delphi. But I am being pulled from many directions. I think what should I do - learn how to create and design sites and then sell them or learn to create facebook games/apps and try to make something off them or learn C++ or any other language to create softwares and again look for some way to make profit out of it of course. I enjoy programming but I'm just confused what to do. Any ideas?
What programming languages does a programmer use when he creates, codes and prepares everything for a website to start. I know it requires Photoshop skills for design and mysql for the database but what else is there?

And what programming languages does a programmer use to create a facebook game? Is it only one? I know most games are in Flash but do they require another language to support the main one or anything else?

Thank you in advance!

There are VERY few instances where someone can claim that they've used only a single language in today's web world. Especially with difficult projects; needless to say, if they have accomplished such a feat, it probably wouldn't be a very good project. Also, reading through, I've noticed no one put MySQL, or any type of relational database technology.

In essence, it's this amalgamation of many different technologies that gives us such a free and open web.
What programming languages does a programmer use when he creates, codes and prepares everything for a website to start. I know it requires Photoshop skills for design and mysql for the database but what else is there?
Most sites are "generated" by PHP or Java code. PHP is popular because it's supported by the most webspace providers. If you code your website with Java you'll need a servlet container (Tomcat, Jboss or similar) or your app has to provide its own webserver. There are some other languages like Python or Ruby which are common to code web applications. In the end it depends on your taste. You could even write your web apps with C, but this would be masochism. PHP is designed for web programming but if you know Java, you can write web apps as well as desktop applications.

In the today WWW you'll need Javascript for sure. Javascript is also used to control a Flash app with your site. Additional Flash provides its own scripting language ActionScript to make dynamic events within Flash applications.

Basically you'll need a programming or scripting language (PHP, Java etc.), a database language (mostly SQL), HTML, XML, Javascript and basic knowledge about HTTP. I recommend to learn HTML 5 from the beginning. A lot of stuff that was only possible with Flash or Javascript in the past is now directly provided by HTML 5. And often HTML 5 makes other languages unnecessary.

Btw: Facebook games are simple web applications. They can be written in the same languages like all web apps.
Most sites are "generated" by PHP or Java code. PHP is popular because it's supported by the most webspace providers. If you code your website with Java you'll need a servlet container (Tomcat, Jboss or similar) or your app has to provide its own webserver. There are some other languages like Python or Ruby which are common to code web applications. In the end it depends on your taste. You could even write your web apps with C, but this would be masochism. PHP is designed for web programming but if you know Java, you can write web apps as well as desktop applications.

In the today WWW you'll need Javascript for sure. Javascript is also used to control a Flash app with your site. Additional Flash provides its own scripting language ActionScript to make dynamic events within Flash applications.

Basically you'll need a programming or scripting language (PHP, Java etc.), a database language (mostly SQL), HTML, XML, Javascript and basic knowledge about HTTP. I recommend to learn HTML 5 from the beginning. A lot of stuff that was only possible with Flash or Javascript in the past is now directly provided by HTML 5. And often HTML 5 makes other languages unnecessary.

Btw: Facebook games are simple web applications. They can be written in the same languages like all web apps.

There are many, many things that I disagree with in this post....
Would you care to explain why you disagree?

I don't think the parts you highlighted in the quote are incorrect in any way.
Ruby is getting more and more popularity as a choice for creating web applications. PHP is indeed designed for web programming, do you see it used anywhere else? Besides, PHP was started as Hypertext Preprocessor. Javascript/jQuery on websites is also very important for a decent user experience. And for the Facebook apps, as far as I remember, they are simple web applications, the only thing you may have to learn is to use the APIs provided by Facebook.
IT's not only one language. You can pick up any language to accomplish your task. And by the way, by using Java programming language you will be able to code many useful stuffs. Java was the most common language from ages, and still now .. and i think it will last the most common one in the coming days.

Just learn something useful, and impress the world by your creative coding.

I know you are a Java freak, but Java is not that popular anymore, I only recommend people using Java if they are coding applications for smartphones. Even that, smartphone apps can be made in C and HTML5.

Java apps on Windows and Mac are slow and don't run fluently. At least way slower than any C language. Java is not using anymore in websites. I don't even want to talk about Java security issues.

Would you care to explain why you disagree?

I don't think the parts you highlighted in the quote are incorrect in any way.
Ruby is getting more and more popularity as a choice for creating web applications. PHP is indeed designed for web programming, do you see it used anywhere else? Besides, PHP was started as Hypertext Preprocessor. Javascript/jQuery on websites is also very important for a decent user experience. And for the Facebook apps, as far as I remember, they are simple web applications, the only thing you may have to learn is to use the APIs provided by Facebook.

Ruby is indeed getting popular, PHP is used by 74% of dynamic websites. I'm interested in the PHP windows coding side they are working on.
Java ist still very popular. Of course Java-based web apps don't run in simple webservers. They are mostly used in addition with servlet containers and application servers and the webserver is only used as a proxy and to deliver static content. Take a look to job markets in Europe and Asia and you'll see that a lot of web-dev-companies are looking for Java devs, because they use applications servers like JBoss or Streaming servers like Wowza to provide a better clustering of their software. And the most commercial CMSs like Coremedia and other are using Java too.

Btw.: You cannot compare Java-based desktop applications with Java-based web applications. The slowest in Java is the GUI stuff. So of course Java-based desktop apps are very slow.

@Xanza: I would be very interested in your points. Why do you disagree with my statements? What is wrong with them?
Would you care to explain why you disagree?

I don't think the parts you highlighted in the quote are incorrect in any way.
Ruby is getting more and more popularity as a choice for creating web applications. PHP is indeed designed for web programming, do you see it used anywhere else? Besides, PHP was started as Hypertext Preprocessor. Javascript/jQuery on websites is also very important for a decent user experience. And for the Facebook apps, as far as I remember, they are simple web applications, the only thing you may have to learn is to use the APIs provided by Facebook.

I'm willing to bet that I was one of the very few that was around on the net during the PHP explosion, so I'm going to take it directly from the PHP homepage:

PHP as it's known today is actually the successor to a product named PHP/FI. Created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, the very first incarnation of PHP was a simple set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language. Originally used for tracking visits to his online resume, he named the suite of scripts "Personal Home Page Tools," more frequently referenced as "PHP Tools."

A quick look up on the definition of CGI:

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard method for web server software to delegate the generation of web content to executable files. Such files are known as CGI scripts or simply CGIs; they are usually written in a scripting language.

So, taking from these two texts you can see that your statement that:

PHP is indeed designed for web programming, do you see it used anywhere else? Besides, PHP was started as Hypertext Preprocessor.

Is indeed incorrect. PHP was designed to be a common interface between the end user, and the web-server creating dynamic content possible; such as in the example of Rasmus using CGI binaries used to keep track of visitors, and as we all know, C is not a web programming language. Just as a note, I use PHP for many console applications in relation to server management that have absolutely nothing to do with web programming. I simply like to use PHP because Bash is a bit heavy-weight for some tasks when compared to PHP.

There are some other languages like Python or Ruby which are common to code web applications.

While web programming with Python and CGI is prevalent, you do not code for the web using Ruby, you code for the web using Ruby on Rails which is a web framework that has been written in the Ruby programming language. A VERY slight difference, but a difference none the less.

To illustrate my point:
if($ruby == $rails) {
    echo $ruby.' is equal to '.$rails;
} else {
    echo 'I think we can all agree that '.$ruby.' is in fact not equal to '.$rails;

In the today WWW you'll need Javascript for sure. Javascript is also used to control a Flash app with your site.

Javascript is indeed extremely useful, especially when dealing with web applications, however it's not "necessary" as you've misleadingly led the reader to believe. Just as a point of fact, Javascript is not used to "control" Flash applications; instead Flash (SWF) needs to expose functions which are interpretable via Javascript using an ExternalInterface API allowing Javascript to "call into" Flash and vice-versa, but not to control Flash.


Facebook games are simple web applications. They can be written in the same languages like all web apps.

While Facebook 'applications' as they're called are indeed applications written for the web, I hardly think companies such as Zynga would agree with you that they've built a 'simple web application' such as Farmville.

I can understand that many of you might disagree with my analysis believe that I'm just trying to split hairs; however, I was simply trying to answer in earnest. We're all programmers, and we all know the value of 100% correct information.
Yes, you're right in most points and I agree with you. May be that my english is not fluent enough to make my statements 100% correct (I'm from Germany). May be I think to much from the view of a system engineer (sorry for this, but this is my job since about 15 years).

Of course PHP was not designed from the beginning as a programming language for web applications, but since a lot of years this is the focus. Today PHP is designed as a programming language for web applications, even if this was not the idea in 1994. You cannot really compare PHP 1 with PHP 5. Don't forget that there was some rewrites since PHP/FI was released. From the second makeover it began to be a real scripting language designed for web application programming.

To Ruby on Rails: What programming language do you use to code with Ruby on Rails? The most PHP-devs don't code their web apps with pure PHP. They also use frameworks like Zend framework. Nevertheless they code with PHP and the resulting applications are PHP applications.
I know you are a Java freak, but Java is not that popular anymore, I only recommend people using Java if they are coding applications for smartphones. Even that, smartphone apps can be made in C and HTML5.

Java apps on Windows and Mac are slow and don't run fluently. At least way slower than any C language. Java is not using anymore in websites. I don't even want to talk about Java security issues.

Ruby is indeed getting popular, PHP is used by 74% of dynamic websites. I'm interested in the PHP windows coding side they are working on.

It seems you don't know what "Java" means [¬_¬]
Yes, you're right in most points and I agree with you. May be that my english is not fluent enough to make my statements 100% correct (I'm from Germany). May be I think to much from the view of a system engineer (sorry for this, but this is my job since about 15 years).

Of course PHP was not designed from the beginning as a programming language for web applications, but since a lot of years this is the focus. Today PHP is designed as a programming language for web applications, even if this was not the idea in 1994. You cannot really compare PHP 1 with PHP 5. Don't forget that there was some rewrites since PHP/FI was released. From the second makeover it began to be a real scripting language designed for web application programming.

To Ruby on Rails: What programming language do you use to code with Ruby on Rails? The most PHP-devs don't code their web apps with pure PHP. They also use frameworks like Zend framework. Nevertheless they code with PHP and the resulting applications are PHP applications.

1) There, now I 100% agree with this statement! ;)

2) You use a subset of optimized Ruby functions, mainly; Ruby is a scripting language, as are Python and Perl. Ruby on Rails is a Web app framework that is built on the scripting language Ruby.
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I would like all references of Flash, and any other language that requires a plug in to execute(I'm looking at you Java), to be stricken from this thread.
If Java is executed at the server-side, no plugin at the client-side is needed. And the most Java-based web applications are servlets and not applets.
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