[PoC] Ioncube decoder

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Active Member
Update - Proof of concept 2


OK let me express this first, this is not ready yet, this is mearly a proof of concept.


Please be very patient, its not a fast peice of code, its a php port of the encryption algorythms used in ioncube!. Proof of concept 3 will allow users to test it on their own files.

ETA on a full decoder is atleast a month by the way, no real rush seeing that it has taken 4 months since I started this project to get this far.

Major thanks to CW2K, without you none of this would be close to complete.
Its nothing really usefull yet, just a proof of concept if you scroll down you will see strings that where encrypted in bugtracker .php, function names and all.

Most people who are coders will have the most idea (maybe only litewarez? lol)
Ah ok... not really a webmaster resource until then though eh. If a decent and fully working ioncube decoder is released to the public it will cause havoc on the web script scene, please hurry up :)
Splitice, if you actually manage to create a fully functional decoder, congrats.

The only decoder ever released turned out to be a zend decoder ¬_¬
thanks, the decoder will be released as a one click free file upload / decoder when it is ready. Yes it will turn the nulling scene on its head I am going to look foward to watching everything change :P
Lol ill make your day when its released.

As CW2k put it
Stage one of unencrypting, uncompressing the data is done.
Also stage two sequencing/grouping/linking that data is done.
Now it's about interpreting, getting out more sense from that data.
Getting this error when trying to test;
Catchable fatal error: Method IC_CmdAttrib::__toString() must return a string value in /var/www/virtual/thewarezscene.org/htdocs/ioncube/ioncube_analyse_opcodes.php on line 189
Good luck mate, I hope you manage it ;)
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