Need some staff for vBulletin forum.

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Active Member
What's Up wJunction?

I have recently opened a vBulletin site for everything vBulletin[Skins, Mods, Support etc].
I need 1 or 2 skins rippers and 1 or 2 people who can give vBulletin support.
vBSS also needs a couple staff members with access like myself, so that we can add more mods and skins.
Eventually, I will be building a GFX team to make custom skins to sell and
a team to NULL scripts.
If you are interested, drop your msn, yim or aim, the knowledge you have in what area and I will contact you.

Also, if you have any questions for myself, you can post them here in the thread.

Name of your site? vBSkinShop
Link to the forum?
Genre? Warez/Music only etc. : vBulletin Mods, Skins, Support and More.
Forum Software? vBulletin
Position available? Mods, Rippers, Nullers, Mod and skin Posters.
Is it a paid position? Once the team is created and complete, we will be selling custom skins and mods.
If Paid, How Much? Depends on the inquiry.
Why are you requesting staff? Cant do it ALL by myself.

BTW, I have seen some threads here where people are looking for people to do all the work for nothing. I myself have a vbulletin license and access to I have already filled the site up with the most popular skins, mods, and more. I need some dedicated staff so that we can start ripping skins, completing NULLS, and selling GFX. I know how to rip skins myself, I am learning how to NULL scripts. I am dedicated myself.
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