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great mate. PM me with any previous work u've done. I'll get bak 2 u 2moz as I have to go right now. If u know any other Coders/Users good at gfx please refer them to me too :p ;)
lol no. Obviously more.

Think about it let's say in a month:
2 skin's sell ($40/each)
10 rapidshare accounts+(these sell fast, $4/each)
WebHosting ($60+month)
GFX Total ($40)
1 Custom Skin ($100)

Thats $320
u mean suppose there are 10 members in the team and if all the combined earning is 400$/mnth each person will get 40$ . is that correct ?
320 divided by 5 people is 60$ each, id rather work on my own doing custom skins and get like $200+ for myself lol :P

could be good as a side thing though, i might see how you guys get on (current workers) :)
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