Let's help each other


Active Member
Hi guys I'm really love this website I'm joined late on this website, but it's realy full of nice people, I'm software developer I can help you with your problem or idea about this stuff or maybe you help me about others stuff so don't be shy let's help each other as we can šŸ˜Š
nice to meet you, may I ask what software stack you're using?
nice to meet you too dude, well i use many of them for web technologies some web applications need more powerful algorithm & need fast language to handle this for large web applications i will mostly use (Go) because it was compile language maybe it's modern C language & sometimes my customers don't want use apache or nginx the want there one custom server for client side handle so mostly i use Go language for this,some standard web applications like (Video streaming,CMS,Image Uploader,Pos system, etc) i will use PHP because it was realy modern & can handle this thing,i also use node js but realy use too much power & resources you need install hundred package until your job done, for my desktop application i use both (C# & C++) after all for mobile applications i use Dart language with flutter framework

it's too long but I want to give some reason for using this šŸ˜Š any questions you have ask me dude