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That's great tippie. :)
Btw since I would be using Paypal I guess I can put random info while registering? :P And affiliates can be from any country right?

Registering now. ;)

Yes you can put random info if you want to be paid by paypal, affiliates can be from any country yes.

I have no idea how to use the CPA network lol.

contact me on msn or skype and I will give you more info and try to guide you

great info m8
m trying to pm u can u plz clear ur pm to receive mine....

I have some space in my pm inbox again ;)
tippie do make sure that the potential customers you are sending to the companies actually convert, else they will not be very happy about it, don't pay you the full amount you are entitled to and that way you won't be able to pay your affiliates (unless you do if from your own pocket).

If you don't have any quiz offers yet I suppose you should find some offers :D:P

tippie do make sure that the potential customers you are sending to the companies actually convert, else they will not be very happy about it, don't pay you the full amount you are entitled to and that way you won't be able to pay your affiliates (unless you do if from your own pocket).

If you don't have any quiz offers yet I suppose you should find some offers :D:P


Thanks for the suggestion whoo but I first ask the network if I can broker their offers and what can of traffic they need.
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