ffmpeg automation using batch


Active Member
I'm looking for a batch script that

I'm downloading from qbittorrent and moving all 10gb+ files to a certain folder
and i want on that folder to be

automatically split video by 2 if the filesize is not more than <20gb
split video by 3 if the filesize is more than >20gb+
then the source of video will be move to new folder
so it can loop whenever a new file will be moved

automatically watch the folder with new video file
ffprobe to calculate video
then ffmpeg into 2/3 parts
then move the source to new folder when it finished splitting the video

i've done googling how to do this can't seem to find a good tutorial
willing to pay if you want it to be a commision type
https://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html everything you need is here. Superuser is good for specific questions, you might have to modify an answer to your specific needs but its not so difficult if you take the time to research. Formulate your questions on google specific to superuser.com such as:

'my question about ffmpeg' site:superuser.com

just a few sec generated results such as

your probably not going to find your specific need without posting a question but answers will come, its a good community

almost done with what i want
I'm using filebot to separate the files

and with ffmpeg automation I already found a solution and just need to tweak this a little bit

already automate it by 2 files
I still haven't work on
if file is <20gb> = 3
else >20gb = 2 splits