[C#] Posting a topic with SLE - Example

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Active Member
Example on how to post a topic using the SharpLeech Engine. You can get the .dll by downloading SharpLeech and add a reference to it in your project.

You'll need these namespaces:
using System;
using System.Net;
using Hyperz.SharpLeech.Engine;
using Hyperz.SharpLeech.Engine.Net;
The example (read the comments):
// our login details
string username = "name";
string password = "****";

// the topic that we will post.
// The last argument (2) is the forums section id
SiteTopic topic = new SiteTopic("The title", "the [b]content[/b]", 2);

// Setup the object that we will use to post the topic
SiteType forum = DefaultSiteTypes.ByName("IP.Board 3.x.x").CreateInstance();
// forum url
forum.BaseUrl = "http://path.to/forum";

// Attach an event handler to the login event
// We'll use lambda expressions - quick 'n easy
forum.Login += (sender, e) =>
    // did we actually login?
    if (e.LoggedIn)
        // yes we did
        // now collect the data needed to create a new topic

// Now attach an event handler to the ReadyChanged event
// This event fires when all needed 'new topic' data has been collected
forum.ReadyChanged += (sender, e) =>
    // are we really ready?
    // collecting the data can fail so we need to double check
    if (forum.IsReady)
        // ok we are!
        // now we can post our topic

        // first create our http request
        HttpWebRequest req = forum.CreateTopic(topic);

        // and now make the request
        HttpResult result = Http.Request(req);

        // if you want you can check if there were errors
        if (result.HasError)
            // oh noes
            // we can log the error if we want:

        // you can also grab the response data
        string responseHtml = result.Data;

// with both those events setup we can now actually login
// as soon as we do all needed data will get collected and the topic posted
forum.LoginUser(username, password);

// all done!
There are a lot more handy classes and whatnot in SLE. Even the classes that were used here have a lot more handy properties, functions, etc. You have access to everything that makes SharpLeech tick :).
Hyperz have a prob, I'm using Basic not Sharp also in references it says cannot find the reference specified.
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