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Depends what your going for...

It all depends in what your going for -

1. Are you looking for a very high Secured Distribution?
2. Are you looking for a Optimization-Based ?
3. Are you looking for a Cloud Cluster - Optimization

So many theories can be taken into place

If it was me obviously i would go for number 1

And correct me if im wrong im not going to google it just gonna remember everything i type below

But cloudlinux came about 2-3 years ago When the IT Security Field was starting to get Big

What made cloudlinux So awesome compared to all other Linux Distributions is the fact at how it Virtualized its Users


Think of a Virtual Machine Running in its own Background - Then Another Virtual Machine - Then Another - So on and so forth

Each VM was designed to run separate from the Same Root

If you dont understand that then try and think like this

On lets say Centos and your using Cpanel

When you create a account random stuff gets updated

DNS zones, FTP,Mysql, /etc/shadow , /etc/passwd , Apache files , blah blah blah

If you understand how the /etc/passwd / shadow works and understand how everything is defined by groups , etc etc

Then lets say on this server you create another account

Both accounts you just made can be seen in the /etc/sha* /pass* file

cat  /etc/shadow ; cat /etc/passwd
Now in order to access these directories you could cd ... under root - or any other userid depending on Security set in place

Now lets say a malicious user uploads a c99 shell to the server

Network Admin has it php poorly misconfigured - And lets say your main site was running files that connected to a database - the hacker could go in and type

cat  /etc/passwd


ls -la /home/*username*/public_html/Site_Index/includes/


cat /home/*username*/public_html/Site_Index/includes/config.php
Hacker now has complete control over your site just by uploading a c99 shell or a CGI shell and typed in some simple commands

Whats the difference in cloudlinux?

In CloudLinux each usergroup is defined to its own you can call it to make it easier
Virtual File System

A = Main Server
B = Client
C = Client
D = Client

Hacker uploads c99 shell to Same server - Lets give the hacker the benefit of the doubt and say its still mis-configured properly

Hacker executes commands listed up above


Hacker can not pull the data anymore

Due to the fact each user is running on its own Virtual Filesystem so its like a computer inside of the computer its self but not a Virtual Machine

i know im going into great detail and a lot of this isnt needed but im trying to get my reputation up on this forum so i will explain stuff in a deep manner


Apache - I dont even know where to begin with that

From the default installation loading shit loads of unused modules to the Memory optimization failure to adequate to certain PC specs - to the bullshit misconfiguration from NetAdmins

LightSpeed - A better version of Apache just that it still loads more resources - and it leverages the security from php automatically - ( still shitty )

Nignx - Can be damm Good - I say that only due to the fact if u take a look at recent and past exploits for Local and Remote root exploitaton Nignx hardly has any + compiling from source makes it even more better

You have to take into consideration what You think would be the best Web Services to use with your distribution

all the way from TCP connections to load balancing - to Security all takes a factor in you overall performance of how good your system is

Sure you can go off and use a Alternative of cloudlinux But the question really is what is the best Overall Distribution to use - due to the fact of all the stuff you have to take into account

I can go on and on and on and on , on telling you what you need to do - BUT

Practice makes perfect and if you use various distributions and learn each one you will get an ideal on whats the best one to use
Thank you, feel free to go more into details if you want. I am just going to save this in my notepad on notes look back and forward.
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