all my accounts are stolen

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I think you got keylogged
You should watch what you download.
Was the password same for everything?
Even your email?
I guess the first step is get your email and reistall your computer and get a good antivirus
I have got key logged one time they can see what ever your doing luckily noting was hacked so i reistall my computer anyway Good Luck
Try to get hold of your email first, as thats the most important thing. After that contact each company and hope that they recover your account( most file hosts wont).

You also need to get that keylogger out of your pc, try to remember the last couple of things you downloaded/installed, backtrack from there and see which program had the keylogger. If you dont remove this, your accounts will be hacked again.
If you can't help him with advices, FUCK OFF OF THIS THREAD! No one cares about your shitty opinion.

There is nothing like 'advices', imbicile! And it's not advice but a reality.

And who are you to judge that no one cares about my opinion? Do you speak for all members? And as my reputation is higher than yours, shut the fuck up if you have nothing to useful to say.

Fact is that most filehosts not even reply to your request to reinstate your account.
it sucks. Happened to me recently. They even pushed my domains. Th best thing is to email everyone who you had an account with and tell them about the situation. I was able to get my domains and gmail account this way. The way I lost my accounts was because I used my girlfriend's computer and it was keylogged. Make sure you try to get your email first.
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