Akiba-Online BIG Problem

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Active Member
As you probably know Akiba it's one of the biggest Filejoker suporters.
I also staring using Akiba and FJ again to the start of September..:
1. I used search before every posts..so I think 99% of my posts was unique..Replaced old dead members posts and post new content. All with FJ.
2. Got 100+ thanks in 3 weeks
3. Only manual work.. and ..few hours of work daily..
4. Generated many sales, including 12 months sales
5. The most important..I worked hard to find some rare content..and update dead links..

Saturday I wake up with this mesaage: You have been banned for the following reason: Spam. Please contact the administrator if this was done in error.
Of course ..you can't contact any suport/moderator, if you are banned..this it's another joke...
Contact options:
-send few tickets to their support after I logout- no answer
- send 2 mesages to Facebook -no answer
- asked very polilte to Chat if anybody can help/ give me an answer ---BANN!!

Somebody who worked alot of hours , and generated sales (akiba get also money) need an answer..why I get banned??
It's so hard to get an answer? I also contacted Filejoker support today to help me getting an answer..

Anybody can help me with any Akiba-Online email/contacts?
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