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Active Member
Why don't WJ introduce affiliates?
I mean - a sub page where everyone ( or at least sites with pr2+ ) can do LE?
^would be awesome.
Just my opinion, and yours?
I dont think the admins have enough time to do link exchanges with lots of differant sites, webmasters can add the wjunction button / Linkback if they want too :)
As a token of appreciation for the service by Katz; PR2+ Warez site may add a link to wjunction ;instead of link exchange!and i guess this Would be a good gesture indeed :)
Also i see;most of webmasters' forums like wjunction avoid link exchanges!
I understand why WJ doesn't do link exchanges because the people who will be viewing our forums wont be webmaster they will be just normal users so it would be brining unwanted/unnecessary traffic. Thats not the case for all people who browse forums but it is for most of them so I can't really see the point in it
This isn't a good idea, as said before by Loget, if a webmaster would like to add a linkback to WJunction they can, I made a thread about this before stating if webmasters should help WJunction by adding a link back. I've also argued many times with Katz admins lol, asking them to put WJunction under respected site. - Msg I'm trying to get through here is it'll bring users who are not webmasters etc. The admins are busy with Katz/other sites etc etc, I don't think they want another burden on there head, lol.
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