Search results

  1. J

    Sites similar/like

    Bolt was easily the best for finding books and audiobooks. I have yet to find another site with such a clean and easy to use sub-forum listing. But hopefully will. :(
  2. J

    Brexit: Should Britain leave the Euro Zone?

    I think they should as the EU is a good idea but how it was setup was deeply flawed. Why should non-elected officials in other countries have finally say over what a citizen can and can not do. That is just a recipe for disaster.
  3. J

    JDownloader Or IDM [Vote]

    Voted for JDM. I like JDM 2.0 better than IDM as its free, its updated more often and it seems to be less buggy over time.
  4. J

    hello all

    Just came across this site while trying to find out what happened to bolt.