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  1. W

    Does anyone have any news on Stablelayer

    I just want my files I could care less about the $30 spent via cryptic and webden.:|
  2. W

    Does anyone have any news on Stablelayer

    Just get me a copy of our database and our site files and ill leave you with the cash we sent. If not I will chargeback and stick with a older copy of our files. Shit happens fair enough, i just need our files so we can get on with life.
  3. W - Down (Any Clue)

    Ive been down a week so far with 1 day up :| ETA: I just want to get my backups and move but this is getting fucking pathetic.
  4. W

    VPS Premium, Reliable USA VPS.

    sites warezasylum.
  5. W

    VPS Premium, Reliable USA VPS.

    I am in the same boat. I have multiple tickets that have been closed without any resolution, stats of using 48gb bw on a site of 200 members, etc. Unresponsive control panel etc. With the company being purchased I expected improvements in the stability and seemed to be that way but nothing has...
  6. W


    if its you turbo contact me on msn :| ETA: And what did you really expect to happen ? ETA2: Actually just send me a pm with the email address you have on hand for me, the digit one. :|
  7. W

    WArez Webmasters Under attack

    Pretty much epic fail the image you showed, combined with the horrible grammar and the lack of a defined target your attempt failed. The idea was pretty good but you fell through epicly with delivery, then again it could just be a language barrier. ETA: Try fixing up the gramar before all the...
  8. W

    Looks familiar?

    They look similar but the chomy what ever has a weird look to it. :|
  9. W

    Need some Help in Win 7

    its a virus, which one not sure. But smooth man real smooth, may want to change all your passes seeing odds are they have been compromised. just pop the process name into google there is only one hit for it and its here. Had it been legit would of found alot more hits.:|
  10. W

    who is the bigger prick

    :P .
  11. W

    RapidShare - Account Verification‏

    FFS why would they require you to "verify" when your account details are in their database and all they have to do is export the database. In before people start crying OMG my rs has been phished SaVe Me JeEbUs !!!11!!!!1:|
  12. W

    Paypal Debit Card

    What are the fees to use the PayPal Debit Card? There is no fee to use your PayPal Debit Card to make purchases from merchants that accept MasterCard. There may be fees associated with cash withdrawal and foreign transactions.
  13. W

    RapidShare - Account Verification‏

    No it wasnt it was a spoof email. You can fake the sent from address quite easily. :|
  14. W

    Is my site loading for you?

    down here. Your domain cant be resolved.
  15. W

    my neighbor i a freak

    If he doesnt go anywhere then its more then likely hes trying to keep the engine from gumming up. Or he could possibly trying to "repair" his vehicle. :| Not discounting its odd but why does it really matter ?
  16. W

    What torrent sites you use?

    FSC, FTN, SCC, GFT . :|
  17. W

    Another Asshole!

    In english I think hes saying he didnt rip the theme. But then goes on to say inflame said how would you feel if some one hacked your site. So he decided not to release the theme. Because he felt guilty. But my chinglish is rusty :|
  18. W

    Nexus Problem

    My guess would be one simply because of the error, and no one else seems to be reporting the same problem. :|
  19. W

    When you see a host advertise as 'the cheapest'

    What I think when I read the ads. The Cheapest = Oversold hosting with shit specs. Inexpensive = Code for "The Cheapest" Low Cost = Either Inexpensive meaning or unmanaged hosting with a fault in the infrastructure. Cost Efficient = Pricey but the specs are probably good, the network isnt...