Search results

  1. R - Earn up to 70% PPS - Competition now started!

    Sorry but I had another 502 error, immediately after uploading a file. Refreshing the page by the way gave me te correct page (and the file was successfully uploaded).
  2. R - Earn up to 70% PPS - Competition now started!

    The files I uploaded also disappeared (no big deal, they were just notes and stuff ^_^)
  3. R

    Your favorite Google product?

    I think Google Maps saved my day so many times I just love it. Also, I use a lot Drive, Youtube (even if it's full of ads now) and Google Play.
  4. R

    Android, iPhone or Blackberry

    Android FTW. Apple is just overpriced as hell and lacks of customization. I don't know about Blackberry, still haven't got the chance to try one.
  5. R

    How Do You Browse the Internet?

    Desktop. I use laptop only when I'm at the university, but it's only for a few hours.
  6. R

    Your Favorite PC Games

    Borderlands 2 and Payday 2 are IMHO some of the best cooperative PC games around, probably the best I've ever played.
  7. R - Earn up to 70% PPS - Competition now started!

    Hi, could you please upgrade my account or do I need to get out of probation first? Nick: Rotang14 Thanks