Search results

  1. A E3-1270v2/2xE5620/E5-1650, 32GB, Encode, 1/2GBIT RDP, $4(NL,FR,US,UK,DE

    Client panel is down and support email is bouncing back, how could the support be reached? Update:- The support team received the email and responded quickly as always, it seems the bouncing back is just due to the DDOS...
  2. A E3-1270v2/2xE5620/E5-1650, 32GB, Encode, 1/2GBIT RDP, $4(NL,FR,US,UK,DE

    I registered specially to thank you people for your great service and excellent support, I have been with WebPundits for the last 6 months and I have to see that those people know how to run a business and keep their customers satisfied. (y)